

My article on Dhimmism from Scotland’s SNP party is up at Front Page Magazine

Today,  the Scottish National Party is pro-independence and pro-EU, an echo of the time when it was pro-independence and pro-Third Reich. Now it’s Pro-Islamic as well. The likes of Osama Saeed and Hamza Yousaf are the SNP’s new defenders of Scottish values. Osama Saeed, who was a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, a supporter of Yemeni Al-Qaeda cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, was also a Scottish National Party candidate and an adviser to Prime Minister Salmond.

Osama Saeed, named one of Scotland’s Top 100 thinkers and opinion formers, wrote an article for The Guardian championing the return of the Caliphate. “A restored caliphate,” Osama explained, “is entirely compatible with democratically accountable institutions.” It would be just like the EU, except its leader would be called a Caliph, its law would be Sharia and if the US and Britain are really sincere about helping Muslims, they should support the restoration of the Caliphate.

In an astoundingly short time, the Scottish National Party has gone from collaborating with Nazis, to collaborating with Islamists. Its talk of Scottish values has become a farce. SNP candidate Humza Yousaf took his oath of allegiance in the Scottish Parliament in Urdu. Jahangir Hanif became known as the Kalashnikov Councilor over a video of him firing an AK-47 in an armed camp in Pakistan.

Read more at Front Page Magazine


The real story of Weinergate is the tale of conservative bloggers who kept the story alive until enough Democrats decided that they could use it to take an upstart down. The reason that CNN and so many other major media outlets decided to push the story, instead of continuing to dismiss it, is not because conservative bloggers made them do it, but because of the ambition of some Democrats.

Weiner is more than just another congressman and MSNBC favorite. He’s the likely successor to Bloomberg. Or he was until this came along. He already has a war chest of almost 5 million. Which meant the job was his for the asking.

Now I enjoy the fall of a Democratic pol as much as the next guy, but this isn’t a victory for Republicans. Lee’s scandal helped give the Democrats a district. But does anyone think Weiner will be replaced by a Republican?

It’s not impossible. Weiner’s 9th district is mostly white working class. McCain picked up 44 percent of the vote there. Which means he might have actually won the white working class vote in that district. Turner put up a decent fight in the last election and picked up 40 percent of the vote against Weiner in a district where elections are usually a formality.

But the state Republican party couldn’t care less. And neither could the national party. Without that the odds of NY-9 going red are very low. Which makes this a pointless exercise but for the schadenfreude. It makes it worse than that too.

Weiner was another slimy Democrat. But he’s not nearly as bad as the mayoral candidates the Democratic party has put up in previous elections. Throwing Weiner out, would mean that whichever Bronx Borough president runs and gets backed by Al Sharpton will win. That’s even ruling out a real nightmare like radical leftist John Liu. And that means he likely death of New York City. It puts the city back on the road to turning into Atlanta or Detroit. The road we hopped off when Dinkins lost to Giuliani. A crime ridden hellhole with no economy so deep in debt that there’s no way out.

Weinergate may have a ripple effect that goes well beyond what is happening now. The state of New York City in 2014 may revolve around it.

Predicting all that is tricky. Weiner dropping out may mean that we need to say hello to Mayor Adolfo Carrion, head of Obama’s White House Office of Urban Affairs, who’s not averse to some kickbacks. It may however means that police commish Kelly runs on the Republican ticket and beats whichever Bronx Borough president decides to take a breather from ruining one borough to ruining the whole city. Or it may just mean saying hello to Mayor Scott Stringer or Mayor Christine Quinn, the city’s first lesbian mayor.

None of the possibilities including Weiner are appetizing. But then we’ve had a three term mayor that everyone despises, just because he’s somewhat competent. Because the alternative is the Sharpton candidate.

So the future mayor of New York City will either be a man with all the impulse control of Bill Clinton, a lesbian or the president of the city’s own version of Detroit.

Don’t you wish you were a New Yorker?


At least no one thinks he’s gay anymore.


Iranian immigrant Shamci Rafani wrote a letter to a California newspaper explaining the Muslim approach to solving sex scandals.

Yes, in many countries, the public will stone that woman to death.

Believe me, that might be the right answer to the behavior of these kind of loose women, who want to blame it all on men…To my judgment, these women who freely sleep with married men must be severely punished and put to death.

If the lawmakers do something about it, you will find less stories like Arnold’s.

Shamci Rafani

You know when liberals tell us about cultural enrichment, this must be what they mean. But stoning everyone to death doesn’t work too well in Iran, which has its own political sex scandals. Even if they involve Mullahs and women in chadors.

But the real question is what do you do when the other woman is Twitter? How do we stone Twitter to death? I don’t know. But I bet the Ayatollahs are working on digital stoning technology even as we speak.


In the ‘there’s absolutely nothing he won’t say’ file, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich explained that he really wanted that Senate seat for himself so he could go to Afghanistan and hunt down Bin Laden.

Defense attorney Aaron Goldstein asked if he’d ever talked to a deputy governor about appointing himself to the Senate, then traveling to Afghanistan to get bin Laden.

Blagojevich said, “Yes.”

I say we take the man at his word. Bin Laden is dead, but there’s still plenty of Taliban left in Kandahar. In times past, joining the army was an alternative to prison. It still occasionally is under the table. Put Blago through some basic training, teach him to shoot and send him over there.

After everything Blagojevich has done to avoid jail– can anyone say that the man isn’t a fighter? If you want a man who doesn’t give up, who will do absolutely anything, well he’s your man.

The only problem is that within 3 weeks of getting there, Blagojevich would have a beard and a turban and be calling himself Mullah Blago.


The Egyptian military now admits to conducting virginity tests on female protesters. Their explanation comes straight from the Blagojevich school of logical thinking.

“The girls who were detained were not like your daughter or mine,” the general said. “These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters in Tahrir Square, and we found in the tents Molotov cocktails and (drugs).”

The general said the virginity checks were done so that the women wouldn’t later claim they had been raped by Egyptian authorities.

“We didn’t want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren’t virgins in the first place,” the general said. “None of them were (virgins).”

In Egypt’s Muslim culture, you can’t rape an unmarried woman who is not a virgin.

Rape is not really a crime under Islam. The crime is either ‘sexual immorality’ or a ‘property crime’. As Zina, sexual immorality applies both to the rapist and his victim. If the victim is unwilling then Allah ‘forgives’ her for participating in sexual immorality. But if there is reason to suspect her of ‘immoral conduct’, then she is no longer ‘forgiven’.

That is why rape victims are so often punished in Muslim countries. Unless the woman can prove her innocence, then she’s guilty of sexual immorality.

As a property crime, rape is a crime not against the woman but her husband. If the women are unmarried, then it’s a crime against her father. But that only applies if there is a ‘depreciation’ in value. If she was never a virgin, then there is no ‘depreciation’.

So most of the comments on the story miss the point. This wasn’t done to humiliate the protesters. It was done to humiliate their families. 21st century meet the 7th century.

From one woman’s testimony

“The guards called us bastards, prostitutes, they cursed our families.”

“They made us sign a document saying we were virgins. About 10 of them did not sign it. One of them lied.”

‘What do you think of the Egyptian general who said the tests showed all the women detained were not virgins?’

“I am willing to do the test again so you can see the result.”

This is tribal stuff. It’s typical of the kind of culture where family honor depends on the chastity of the daughters.

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