PFC Nasar Jason Abdo
AWOL 21 year old Pvt. Nasar Jason Abdo was arrested for his purchase of weapons and bomb making materials for an attempted Jihad attack at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. More has been revealed about Abdo’s aggressive proselytizing of his training unit mates and Islamic anti-Semitism directed at af Jewish soldier during training. Abdo should have been discharged by the US Army instead of being granted Conscientious Objector status for not willing to be deployed to fight fellow Muslims in Afghanistan. Clearly, someone screwed up at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, the home of the 101St Airborne-the screaming eagles. This is the latest disaster of the Army’s diversity first program. One wonders how many of the 12,000 serving Muslims harbor similar Jihadi views as Abdo. There have been several other Muslim soldier perpetrating murderous attacks on fellow soldiers in Kuwait and, most spectacularly Maj. Nidal Hasan, about to be tried for his Jihadi massacre at Fort Hood in November, 2009. Was Pvt. Abdo engaging in a sympathetic me too attack for his fellow Muslim in the ummah at his former home town of Killeen, Texas?
More is coming out about this product of an American Christian mother and a Jordanian father. His father Jamal was deported to Jordan after serving a term in a Texas prison for soliciting sex with an undercover agent in a sex-scam posing as a minor. Note this from a MyPet Jawa post:
Jamal Abdo was arrested in 2004, accused of soliciting sex from a Garland detective posing online as Molly, a 15-year-old girl, according to records[…]
Jamal Abdo unsuccessfully appealed his conviction. He was released from a Texas prison in December 2009 and turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. He was deported to Jordan in February 2010. Jamal, a Muslim, lived in Killeen for 25 years, he was divorced from Abdo’s Christian mother.
Speaking from Jordan Jamal said the charges against his son were all lies from A to Z He also said the charges were trumped up because Abdo refused to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.My son loved people no matter who they are, whether Jews or Christians, Jamal Abdo said. Naser is not the kind of a person who harbors evil for the other people, he cannot kill anyone and he could not have done any bad thing.POS just like his son.
This morning, Fox n Friends interviewed a Sgt Michael Payton who served in Abdo’s training company at Fort Benning, Georgia-the Army Infantry School. He said that Abdo was aggressively trying to proselytize his fellow soldiers. Moreover, according to Payton Abdo was engaged in bigoted anti-Semitic rhetoric and harassed a fellow Jewish member of his training unit. Sgt. Payton used the careworn term taqiyya or deception to describe what Pvt. Abdo was engaged in. Sgt. Payton couldn’t understand why Abdo joined the military during as he swore an oath to protect and defend this country and it’s Constitution. Abdo identified himself as a Palestinian Muslim first rather than a US citizen.
Having also been through the Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia as an officer back in the early 1960’s, I’m familiar with the training regimen and the objective of achieving unit combat readiness and esprit de corps in this combat arm – what the military refers to as the Queen of Battle. Sgt. Payton in the Fox n’ Friends interview also referred to the Infantry as the tip of the spear in battle.
Watch this Fox n Friends interview with Sgt. Payton, here.
At issue is why didn’t Pvt. Abdo’s training company commander at Fort Benning, upon investigation of complaints, recommend him for an Administrative Discharge under Article 108 of the Universal Military Code of Justice? Perhaps this is the latest manifestation of the Islamic Stockholm Syndrome. A syndrome that has intimidated our military leadership up to and including the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The same Joint staff who eschewed the warnings of Army Reserve Maj. and Pentagon consultant Stephen Coughlin about the threat doctrine of Islamic jihad law. The Joint Staff sent Coughlin packing for violating their benign feckless view of Islam after Heshem Islam a former Muslim outreach aide to Bush Deputy Undersecretary of defense Gordon England called him “a Christian fanatic with a pen.” As proof we had the precedent of former Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey bemoaning the loss of diversity, but not the 13 deaths and over 32 seriously injured in the Fort Hood rampage on November 5, 2009 of Maj. Hasan, Pvt. Abdo’s Jihad mentor. Abdo endeavored to follow Hasan’s playbook, and nearly succeeded at Fort Hood, but for a suspicious Texas gun dealer.
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