Fast & Furious is literally a killer of a scandal, drenched in the blood of victims of a federal government operation. Despite the best efforts of the Obama team to obfuscate, the truth is emerging, so that the media and even some Democrats are focusing on a full unearthing of the facts.
Tuesday, October 18 proved to be an important day in the slow march towards justice for the families of murdered federal agents Brian Terry and Jaimie Zapata, and the hundreds of Mexicans dead from Fast & Furious firearms.
First, the U.S Senate unanimously voted in favor of an amendment prohibiting funds from going to any future gun-walking type operations. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced the amendment in direct response to the 2009 Fast and Furious debacle. The bipartisan consensus prompted Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) to join Cornyn in his demand for answers from Attorney General Eric Holder.