While Muslim countries across the Middle East and Muslim communities around the world become increasingly radicalized, an American cable TV channel has just premiered a new reality series called “All-American Muslim”. Is this an honest attempt to de-mystify Muslims and their traditions, or does the show simply gloss over the reality of Islamic ideology, whitewashing us into believing that American Muslims are “just like you and me”? Clarion Fund Senior Fellow Clare M. Lopez takes a deeper look behind the show and the media hype.

“All-American Muslim”: A Little Taqiyya on the Prairie

by Clare M. Lopez

America’s answer to the Canadian CBC TV series, “Little Mosque on the Prairie,” premiered at The Learning Channel (TLC) on 13 November 2011: “All-American Muslim” is airing as an 8-part series styled as a kind of faux-reality show and follows members of five Shi’ite Muslim families of Lebanese descent in Dearborn, Michigan.The idea is to show that these Muslims are just like any other Americans and to dispel what TLC terms “misconceptions, conflicts and differences they face outside – and within – their own community. . . ” Misconceptions about Islam do, in fact, abound; but it is not likely that “All-American Muslim” will do much to clarify how Islamic supremacism and violence against non-believers derive directly from the doctrine, law, and scriptures of Islam itself. That every Muslim believer does not behave in conformance with such fundamental tenets of the faith is obvious and to be acknowledged with relief.

Unfortunately, though, television shows that gloss over the reality of Islamic ideology not only obscure the full truth about Islam from non-Muslims who then remain unprepared to defend against its hostile elements, but also leave no space for Muslims who themselves oppose jihadist terrorism, inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims, misogyny, honor killings, the apostasy death penalty, and vicious hudud punishments. This is why the new TLC series might more accurately be called “A Little Taqiyya on the Prairie.” Taqiyya, of course, is the sanctioned Islamic practice of deceit and dissimulation to defend or promote Islam.  [MORE]

Watch the trailer for ‘All-American Muslim’

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