
Who is Dan Halloran? He is running for Congress in Queens against Grace Meng who will be just another Pelosi rubber stamp. He has a great record on national security issues, Israel and was the solitary voice in the city council against the ground zero mosque.We need Dan Halloran in Congress!!!

Create Jobs

We’re in the grips of the greatest job crisis since the Great Depression. And President Obama and the Democrats have failed miserably at creating jobs and getting our economy back on its feet.

Small businesses are the engine that drives our economy. I’m a former small business owner. I know what it takes to get people back to work. We need to cut taxes on middle-class people and cut the regulations that make it so difficult to start a business and make payroll. From fees to overticketing, the federal and local governments have stymied the efforts of countless Americans to get our economy back on track.

In Washington, I will fight for the small business owners and job creators by cutting taxes and fees, balancing our budget, and promoting the pro-growth policies that made America the world’s leading economy.

Cut Gas Prices

Gas costs over $4 per gallon right now in New York City. We’re heading toward the summer of $5 gasoline, and that will crush our already-overburdened middle class families and small businesses. It’s time for a new direction.

President Obama and the Democrats are married to the old way of doing things that has gotten us into this mess. I want to wean our country of the oil that funds dictators in the Middle East and expand domestic and alternative energy production. I want to build the Keystone Pipeline so that we’re buying gas from Americans, not from the leaders of countries that hate us. Until we lower the price of gas, the American middle class will continue to feel the pinch at the pump.

Defend America and Israel

September 11, 2001 was just eleven years ago. New York City remains the principle target of terrorists who wish to attack our country. They’re still out there – and they still hate our freedom and our way of life. Sadly, many politicians in Washington have forgotten this.

I lost my cousin, FDNY Lt. Vincent Halloran, in the Towers on 9/11. Like all New Yorkers, I will never forget. When I am in Congress, I will prioritize our national defense.

The American military is the world’s greatest force for peace. We must wield our influence in a way that spreads freedom and democracy. If, for example, the Afghan people can choose between free markets on one hand and growing poppy for warlords on the other, I know they will choose freedom, and this in turn will make for a safer world.

But other countries must know that while we prefer peace, we are no paper tiger. Military engagement is a final option – but it must remain on the table to prevent renegade states such as Iran from obtaining weapons of mass destruction.

When we speak of defending America, we must too speak of defending Israel. It is the only democracy in the turbulent Middle East, a beacon of freedom and democratic values, and a valued ally of the United States. Israel deals with the nightmare of terrorism on a daily basis, attacked by people who deny its right to even exist. By protecting Israel, we promote peace in the region and the world.

Health Care

What’s the last thing a country up to its ears in debt needs? More spending and red tape, according to the Democrats. That’s how we ended up with ObamaCare, a stunning expanse of government into the most personal life decisions made by Americans and a step toward socialized medicine.

Americans need freedom in their choice of health providers, and the free market will ensure that costs are kept down while research and development can flourish. Our health care system isn’t perfect, but it is the envy of the world – and the large majority of Americans were perfectly happy with their coverage before ObamaCare swept in and took over, defying public opinion. I will work for lower costs through commonsense, free market measures, and I will lead the grassroots effort to overturn the unconstitutional excesses of ObamaCare.


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