Last Night the Façade Crumbled

 The debate was stunning – not for Romney’s performance but for the disappearance of Obama’s aura.

For all of these years, we were told about Obama’s coolness, his oratory skills, his brilliance, and his ability to solve problems with a few wags of his golden tongue. Last night, we saw the real Obama, the one without the teleprompter, without the fawning media and the adoring crowds.

What we saw was a fearful, insecure man, a man having to perform solo. He was not up to the task. He is not up to the task and he won’t be up to the task. We saw the real Obama.

We have been conned and we know that we have been conned. We have an actor playing President reading scripts written by others, some open but most hidden in the shadows.

After watching his sad performance during the debate, we can understand why he did not meet with Benyamin Netanyahu and other world leaders. What could he say to Netanyahu? Could he say, “With my Golden Tongue I will get the Ayatollahs to be your good friends”? Could he even say “I will get them to stop the bomb project”?

Now we can understand why he ran off to Vegas after the attacks on the consulate in Benghazi. When a person doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know what to say he runs to a familiar, comfortable place. To Obama that place is campaigning in front of an adoring audience with Teleprompters telling him what to say. That doesn’t work on the international stage, when you have to deal with not-so-friendly world leaders.

We have heard the stories about the night Bin Laden was executed, where Valerie Jarret didn’t want bin Laden executed and Leon Panetta and/or Hilary Clinton gave the go-ahead. The man does not make decisions. Those are made by others and he just presents them and takes credit for them. On stage last night, he had no one to make decisions, to tell him what to say. He had to reach inside himself and recall the mighty phrases of his past performances. They weren’t so might on stage.

There is no returning from the personal disaster that we saw last night. There is no covering up the real Obama. It is only going to get worse for him. What is he going to say about Libya? What can he say?

What can he say about his running to the campaign trail instead of dealing with these problems?

Frank Luntz had a focus group of 25 to 30 undecided voters. After the debate, only two supported re-electing Obama.

Obama is finished.



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