Just read the State Department blow-by-blow briefing, or “tick-tock,” on events in Benghazi given reporters on background on October 9. As senior official #2 summed up the attack in his concluding remarks:

The lethality and the number of armed people is unprecedented. There had been no attacks like that anywhere in Libya – Tripoli, Benghazi, or elsewhere – in the time that we had been there. And so it is unprecedented. In fact, it would be very, very hard to find a precedent for an attack like that in recent diplomatic history.

Aside from harrowing descriptions of terror and entrapment, loss and courage, what stands out is the depiction of a quiet night suddenly broken by massive armed attack. No Youtube protest Gone Wrong, in other words as the Obama White House has continually insisted, lying in such a way as to advance the world Islamic movement against free speech about Islam, whose leaders seek laws against “religious blasphemy.” (Working with the Islamic bloc in the so-called Istambul Process, the Obama administration has pledged America’s support for UN Resolution 16/18 against such “blasphemy,” while SecState Hillary Clinton has called for “some old fashioned techniues of peer pressure and shaming” to enforce it at home. This, of course, blatantly defies the First Amendment.)

Senior official #1:

Okay. The Ambassador has arrived in Benghazi on the 10th of September. He does meetings both on the compound and off the compound on that day, spends the night.

Whom did the Ambassador meet with? Given Stevens’ penchant for “outreach” across the jihad spectrum — the Obama administration’s policy throughout the Arab (“Spring”) World — this is a highly relevant question.

The next day is 9/11. He has all his – because it is 9/11, out of prudence, he has all his meetings on the compound. He receives a succession of visitors during the day.

About 7:30 in the evening, he has his last meeting. It is with a Turkish diplomat. And at – when the meeting is over, at 8:30 – he has all these meetings, by the way, in what I call Building C – when the meeting is over, he escorts the Turkish diplomat to the main gate. There is an agent there with them. They say goodbye. They’re out in a street in front of the compound. Everything is calm at 8:30 p.m. There’s nothing unusual. There has been nothing unusual during the day at all outside.

So who created the Youtube Lie which every top Obama administration official including the president parroted for days, weeks?

After he sees the Turkish diplomat off, the Ambassador returns to Building C, where the information management officer – his name is Sean Smith, and who is one of the victims – the information management officer – I’ll just call him Sean from now on, on this call – and four other – four Diplomatic Security agents are all at Building C. One Diplomatic Security agent is in the TOC, the Tactical Operations Center. All of these agents have their side arms.

A few minutes later – we’re talking about 9 o’clock at night – the Ambassador retires to his room, the others are still at Building C, and the one agent in the TOC. At 9:40 p.m., the agent in the TOC and the agents in Building C hear loud noises coming from the front gate. They also hear gunfire and an explosion. The agent in the TOC looks at his cameras – these are cameras that have pictures of the perimeter – and the camera on the main gate reveals a large number of people – a large number of men, armed men, flowing into the compound. One special agent immediately goes to get the Ambassador in his bedroom and gets Sean, and the three of them enter the safe haven inside the building.

I wonder how armed men just “flowed” into the compound? Members of the February 17th Martyrs Brigade — now sanitized as the “Feb. 17 Brigade” — occupied the small barracks by the compound gate. Did the attackers break down the gate undetected? Did the “explosion” the US official heard open the gate? Could the attackers have been allowed in? Just wondering. “Bad apples,” we have been told, belonged to this local militia hired to protect the compound. (And here’s why — Uncle Sam joined the jihad in Libya, but his fellow jihadis don’t like him anyway.) Does video exist of the gate?


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