Perhaps no more glaring example of today’s media blackout is when NBC’s David Gregory cut off a guest who attempted to raise the Benghazi issue by promising to “get to that later” and then ignoring the issue for the rest of his Sunday morning news show. More important than even that though was a question raised during Fox News Sunday to Democrat Senator Tom Udall on whether or not the drones that flew over the compound in Benghazi during the attack were armed. Senator Udall refused to answer that question.

Here is a rundown of the media’s clearly coordinated deflection of what is now the most important foreign policy issue on the table that points directly toward incompetence and cover-up at the highest levels of the Obama White House: (via


NBC: Meet the Press with David Gregory

The Benghazi issue was not raised at all, save by panelist Carly Fiorina, who was interrupted by Gregory. He promised, “We’ll get to that a little bit later,” but did not return to the issue before the show’s end.

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CNN: State of the Union with Candy Crowley

The Benghazi issue was raised twice, once by Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus in response to a question about U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock’s views on abortion, and once by Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in response to a question about whether Romney would win the state in November. Crowley did not raise the issue independently in a show largely focused on polls and voting.


CBS: Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer

The Benghazi issue was raised in an exchange between Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff. After McCain brought up the issue, Schieffer asked a follow-up question about whether the administration had engaged in a “deliberate cover-up.” McCain said it had either been a cover-up or “the worst kind of incompetence.” Schieffer responded with another question about whether drones had produced images of the attacks. Emanuel responded with the Obama campaign’s standard talking points, and Schieffer followed up with a question about what he would have done in the White House. Emanuel ducked the question, instead praising Obama’s foreign policy record in general.



Fox News was the onLY news network that pressed the issue during the Sunday morning news programs -and host Chris Wallace raised a very interesting point when pushing for an answer from Senator Tom Udall (D) , regarding whether or not the drones that flew over the compound during the Benghazi Massacre were in fact armed with weaponry. Senator Udall refused to answer that question raising the now very real possibility that help flew directly over the heads of the Benghazi compound though someone refused to initiate an attack order against the terrorists who were at that very moment killing Americans.


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