Hi Gang:
In my latest commentary for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization), I took on the way that USCIS deals with a tsunami of applications each and every day.  The lack of integrity to the immigration benefits program creates a national security vulnerability that has, on many previous occasions been exploited by terrorists operating in the United States including, but not limited to the 9/11 hijackers.
I took a hard look at an absolutely egregious example where a law firm was involved in a massive fraud scheme that went on for more than a decade, involved more than 25,000 aliens (according to an ICE news release) and the key players faced a few years in jail and nothing was reportedly done to identify, locate or arrest, deport or punish their co-conspirators, the aliens who, presumably, remain in the United States with impunity, to this very day!  (A link to the news release is provided in the CAPS commentary below.)
With all of the talk about the need to provide lawful status and even United States citizenship to unknown millions of illegal aliens- likely tens of millions of illegal aliens, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone in Washington even ask if USCIS could deal with the onslaught of millions of applications that would be filed by these millions of aliens whose true identities, (including countries of citizenship) backgrounds, potential affiliation with criminal or terrorist organizations could not be determined.  We would certainly have no way of knowing why they violated the inspections process or gamed the visa process to get here.  There would be no way to even have them interviewed by personnel at USCIS which is currently not conducting in-person interviews with the DREAMERS (aliens who are being processed under the DACA program I discuss in my article).
As the question goes- “What could possibly go wrong?”
There are so many reasons that Comprehensive Immigration Reform is wrong-headed.  However, no one is asking how in the world would you administer such a humongous program with even a shred of integrity when the 9/11 Commission warned that immigration fraud was a factor in most of the terror cases they examined and continues to be an integral part of the plans of terrorists who have since been arrested in the United States.
The title of my piece today is:
“At USCIS- Speed Kills”


The document is attached below.
I strongly recommend you read the entire ICE press release I cited in my article- it demonstrates the abject lack of integrity to the immigration adjudications process and the lack of resolve of the relevant DHS agencies to attempt to create a “Climate of deterrence” against immigration law violations including immigration benefit fraud that I recommended in my testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which I testified this past March 20, 2013.
In my prepared testimony I included the paragraph:
“Law enforcement is at its best when it creates a climate of deterrence to convince those who might be
contemplating violating the law that such an effort is likely to be discovered and that if discovered,
adverse consequences will result for the law violators. Current policies and statements by the
administration, in my view, encourages aspiring illegal aliens around the world to head for the United
States. In effect the starter’s pistol has been fired and for these folks, the finish line to this race is the
border of the United States.”
On Thursday, May 2nd, I was interviewed by Megyn Kelly of Fox News about the immigration component to the Boston Marathon terrorist bombing. Fox News Insider posted a video of the interview with the title:

Immigration Expert: The System Failed in Boston and Keeps on Failing

The point is that immigration benefit fraud and visa fraud have long been acknowledged as representing serious vulnerabilities to national security and to prevent terrorist infiltrations into the United States.
On May 20, 1997 I participated in my first Congressional hearing. That hearing was conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims and was entitled:


The terrorist attacks of 1993 at the CIA and the World Trade Center predication for that hearing.

On July 27, 2006 I testified before the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims on the topic:


Here is a link to a video of a segment of my testimony before that hearing provides crystal clarity about my grave concerns about the nexus between any such amnesty program and national security.
What I said back then is just as relevant today.

“Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Background Checks Require a Reality Check”

“Political Asylum: Where Compassion and National Security Intersect”

Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.

It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be Pro-American!

Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are! We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

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