Election Questions

Congressional Elections are upon us in a few weeks. We are bombarded with talking points from both pathetic parties. Both political parties concentrate on two or three main issues. We need to look at lots of questions to see what is happening in the country, both good and bad.

I have many questions people should think about. The order of the questions is not important because all of the questions are important. People need to think about all of them because they give a complete picture of the state of our country.

The questions may seem to be mainly about the Democratic Obama Administration. That is because they are the ones in power. They have the Presidency and the Senate. There are questions about Republicans as well.

The purpose of this message is not to open debate but for you, the voter, take a deep look at what is happening in our government.

We will start off with questioning your own beliefs.

Questions for you

1. Are you so pro-Obama that no matter what he does, it is right?

2. Are you so against Obama that everything he does is wrong?

3. Do you question what the government tells us?

4. Do you think that the Obama has as open/transparent administration as he promised?

Foreign Policy: Israel-Hamas war

1. The Hamas Charter says that it is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, wants to destroy Israel and wants to kill all Jews. Why does the Administration and the world think that Israel can make peace with them?

2. Israel left Gaza – not one Jew is left. Since Hamas took over from the Palestinian Authority Hamas in a violent confrontation, it has been rocketing Israel. Three times, this has led to war. Why is Israel always blamed for the war, for non-proportional retaliation? Why is defending yourself criminal?

3. Why is Israel blamed for starting a war when Hamas killed 3 teens and fired thousands of rockets at Israel? Just because Israel had the Iron Dome anti-missile system, does it lessen the immorality of responsibility for the rocket fire?

4. There are independent videos and reports from on the ground that Hamas fired rockets from schools, hospitals and homes. Why is Israel criticized for attacking them and Hamas not for having them there?

5. Why did the UNRWA allow Hamas to have rockets and weapons in schools and mosques? Why when they were found out by were the weapons turned back tpo Hamas to attack Israeli civilians?

6. After the second war caused by Hamas, Israel was forced by the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to let Hams have building materials. As substantial amount went into building about 50 tunnels into Israel under communities, under schools.

7. After starting three wars, nothing is asked of Hamas – not even disarmament. Israel, on the other hand, is asked to make dangerous concessions and was excluded from talks about rebuilding Gaza. Why?

Foreign Policy: ISIS

1. ISIS/ISIL/IS has declared their intention of attacking Americans in America and Europeans in Europe and Infidels everywhere. Why is this not taken seriously? Why does the administration think that Climate Change is a more immediate threat than ISIS?

2. Why the failure to recognize that “Lone Wolves” have a whole network of support from radical mosques they attend and Jihadists on the internet?

3. The Oklahoma beheader’s act is claimed to be “workplace violence” even though he has a Facebook page replete with Jihadist Propaganda. Why? The same is true of Ft. Hood’s killer Major Nidal Hassan.

4. ISIS is conquering more territory and is threatening Baghdad itself. Why are we engaging in minimal bombing? Why is the administration claiming that we are winning when clearly we are not?

5. How does the administration think an army of 5,000 Syrians trained over the next year are going to be able to take on 30,000 ISIS fighters?

6. Why don‘t the Republicans present a clear plan on what they would do with ISIS?

Foreign Policy: Iran

1. Iran is clearly trying to make nuclear bombs. Why is the Administration lessening sanctions, planning on allowing Iran to enrich uranium and make bombs a week or a month after they successfully enrich enough uranium?

2. Why has the Administration blown the cover on every Israeli attempt to slow down or stop Iran’s plans? They even blew the story on the Stuxnet sabotage software that destroyed thousands of Iran’s centrifuges..

3. The Administration turned its back on allies like Mubarak’s Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel in favor of Iran, Turkey (Who refuses to fight ISIS) and Qatar who funded ISIS.

4. Why don’t the Republicans have a clear plan on how they would deal with Iran?

Foreign Policy in General

1. Why does the Administration treat friends like enemies and enemies like friends?

2. Why is the Muslim Brotherhood safely ensconced in the White House and many Federal Agencies? Their names are even available.

3. Why did the Administration support a Jihadist group over allies in Egypt even after the population wanted the Muslim Brotherhood thrown out?

4. Why do we have open borders where drug cartels, gangsters, unaccompanied children and even Jihadists can freely enter and be rewarded with support and taxpayer money?

5. Why hasn’t the Administration made as much effort to free Tamalisi from jail in Mexico as we did to trade 5 master-mind terrorists for an army deserter? Why was the deserter’s parents welcomed in the Whitehouse where the father praised the Jihadists in Arabic?

6. Why the hatred for Israel as indicated by many acts including making it difficult for Israelis to get tourist visas to the US?


1. Why doesn’t the population of the U.S. trust the Administration on Ebola?

2. My wife is a patient receptionist for a very large HMO. On the advice of medical personnel and a friend involved with intelligence she is now wearing exam gloves when she handles driver’s licenses, credit cards, checks, cash and forms as a minimum safeguard against Ebola. Think about that.

3. Why the nonsense that we can’t stop people from infected countries from coming here? Why do they pretend we couldn’t get health care workers to those countries if they can’t fly commercially?

4. Why is all the publicity feature concerns about doctors and nurses? What about all the other people who come into contact with Ebola or potential Ebola patients?

5. Why did the CDC issue hazmat suits that left the neck exposed?

The Military

1. Why, in the times of Jihadi danger, are we reducing our military to below 1941 levels?

2. Don’t forget Russia aggression in the Ukraine and Chinese in the China Sea and the Sea of Japan.

3. With Iran verging on having nuclear weapons and North Korea what are we doing about anti-missile systems and protecting our borders and air-space? What is to keep someone from bringing a nuke across the border, or flying it in a suicide airplane or a rocket launching boat?

4. Why aren’t we doing massive air attacks on ISIS when we have the capability? Why didn’t we attack them when they were moving across the open desert in Iraq?


1. Why can’t we find out who issued the orders from the protective people from the Annex from going to the aid of the consulate? We know this happened and we know that the personnel went to the aid of the consulate by disobeying stand down orders.

2. It is our understanding that laser target designators are never used if there is nothing to shoot at the target. Why were planes expected? Why was the commander of the fleet cashiered that evening? Did he refuse to recall F/A-18s? Who knows? Why can’t we find out the details?

3. Everyone in the CIA, State Department and the Whitehouse knew that the Benghazi attack was a planned terrorist attack yet they blamed it on a video. Remember during the debates Obama said to Candy Crowley, read my statement where I said it was terrorists the next day. Yet two or so weeks later saying it was a terrorist attack he went to the UN and said it was a video. At the airport where the 4 dead were returned (Delaware), Hillary blamed it on the video.

IRS as a political tool

1. The IRS admitted to targeting conservative groups. Should the IRS be used as a political weapon by whomever is in office? Obama is not the first. Nixon and Kennedy also did it but not to this extent – only to “political enemies”.

2. Why won’t the Attorney General and the IRS not comply with a subpoena?

3. How could all the hard drives of the suspected IRS personnel crash at the same time?

4. Why do they refer Tax Exempt status requests from Jewish and pro-Israel people to a special unit? An IRS agent admitted this to Lori Lowenthal Marcus.

5. Why do so many people believe it was thoroughly investigated when we don’t even know who instigated this attack on freedom of speech?

What kind of country is America?

1. Why did President Obama tell French TV that America is a Muslim Nation?

2. Why is there an attempt to wipe out gender identification? Why did a Nebraska school decide that you should not use the words “boy” and “girl”. Instead the children should be called “Purple Penguins”. Note that pin k and blue (typical girl and boy colors) when mixed make purple.

3. Why is flying an American flag consider divisive and an insult to immigrants?

4. Why the constant attacks on Christianity and other religions while supporting Islam?

5. Why are people so torn up by the idea of gay marriage? It has no effect on their own marriages?

6. Why are Gays so hung up on gay marriage that other threats like terrorism don‘t count?

7. Why are schools attacked for having Christian symbols (unconstitutional) while being allowed to have children dress in typical Islamic garb and be taken to prayers in Mosques?

8. Why the promotion of welfare instead of workfare?

9. Why are there attemopts to restrict freedom of speech?

Fund Raising

1. Why, when there is a crisis does the president run off for golf and fund raising?

2. Why is fund raising always coupled with a relatively meaningless speech so that it can be counted as a business trip?

3. Why can’t we find out how much these trips cost us, the taxpayers, and how much he raised?

Think about all of these things when you decide whom you should vote for.

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