As Bruce Thornton has titled his column today…It is the end of Feminism.

The pseudofeminists were riding high after the last presidential election gave Sandra Fluke, the abortionista her twenty minutes of fame. Women’s rights, the right to choose, it’s my body my choice, equal pay etc. were the rallying cry of the women and their legislators, including many Democrat men who felt their pain.

How insulting to think that women don’t care about major issues- energy, immigration, the economy, Obamacare, the military, foreign policy, resurgent militant Islam,the overreach of the EPA, the “politically correct” driven agenda of the academies, the decline of our national culture and patriotism….I could go on and on.

New senators and representatives, both men and women, won elections because of their tough stand on the foregoing issues.

It’s time to sing farewell to the old guard of faux feminism..and their grievance committees:

“Goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight
It’s time to say goodbye
Let me tell you, now, goodnight ladies, ladies goodnight
It’s time to say goodbye”

“Goodnight, Ladies” is a folk song attributed to Edwin Pearce Christy, originally intended to be sung during a minstrel show. Drawing from an 1847 song by Christy entitled “Farewell, Ladies”, the song as known today was first published on May 16, 1867


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