The CNN headline about this meeting was: First on CNN: Jeb Bush distances himself from James Baker
Well I was there and meeted and greeted him. Sorry folks, he offered a limp semi apology for his closeness to Baker a black-belt Israel hater with the following:
“According to the two sources in the room, Bush — in a light-hearted tone — remarked that people like Baker and George Shultz, secretary of state under President Ronald Reagan, were over 85 years old, drawing some laughter from the audience. Bush went on to emphasize that he plans to surround himself with foreign policy advisers who are from a different generation than those who served in previous administrations.” ( Geezeerphobia?)
He stated that he did not like J Street, repeating his completely true long standing support for Israel.. However this is accurately reported
“At Thursday’s event, Bush also said that he disagreed with some of the conclusions in Baker’s J Street speech. Bush added that he believed that Baker’s remarks weren’t anti-Israel and that Baker is a supporter and friend of the country.”
And he then threw this ridiculous bouquet at Baker. “He brought down the Soviet Union”…..huh?
Jeb Bush is likeable, accessible, charming and spent time on questions and graciously continued by mingling with the crowd and walking around. I wish him a permanent and happy and fruitful retirement from politics.

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