Aid and Comfort for the Enemy: Peter Smith (From Australia and applicable to our policies in the USA….rsk)

“It is ridiculous to hope that Islam can or will reform. Leave that Pollyanna-ism to Egypt’s President el Sisi. The only sure way to protect our values – the best the world has ever experienced – is to prevent too many Muslims from coming here. Full stop. End of story.”

If you don’t stand for Western values, as Senator Sinodinis conspicuously failed to do on a recent Q&A, you’ll fall for the blind and pernicious cliches of the multi-culti left. What’s so hard to grasp in the simple and unimpeachable statement that Islam and modernity’s hard-won freedoms are oil and water?

“It is ridiculous to hope that Islam can or will reform. Leave that Pollyanna-ism to Egypt’s President el Sisi. The only sure way to protect our values – the best the world has ever experienced – is to prevent too many Muslims from coming here. Full stop. End of story.”

Place: Balmain coffee shop. Made-up conversation. Circa recently:

“All people should live in peace and harmony with each other; respecting each other’s lifestyles, cultures, religions, and political views.”

“Hold on! How about penis gourds? I don’t want my children subject to men wearing only penis gourds at my local coffee shop, even on the very hottest of days.”

“True enough, there are always limits. How about living in harmony with people whose children might want to cut your head off?”

“Oh, that’s alright, we must be politically correct. Be non-discriminatory and show what well-rounded compassionate people we are.”

Now consider this:

Place: ABC studio. Event: Q&A. Date: April 27:

Tony Jones, demonstrating once again how pathetically predictable he is, posed this loaded question to Senator Arthur Sinodinos:

“I’m sure that some of your senior colleagues would like to see a bigger intake of Christian refugees into Australia. Do you support that?”

Let me answer that for the Senator.

Yes, actually, I do. Give me a Christian refugee every time. They are more in tune with our Judeo-Christian values that have served us well and made us a magnet for the dispossessed and disadvantaged. Also, I don’t trust the baggage that Muslims bring. I have nothing against them personally. Most are undoubtedly good people. But their all-encompassing — state and church — religion is a problem.

It comes back to bite them and us when least expected. All of a sudden even people with university degrees and professions become devout. That doesn’t mean they start going to church regularly, becoming born again and complete bores. It means they buy the poison of asserted Islamist supremacy hook, line and sinker. Their parents are surprised. Their friends can’t believe it.

So, yes, I want more Christians and fewer, if not zero, Muslims. Call me patriotic if you like. I know that’s an insult around here at the ABC, but that’s who I am.

Unfortunately, Sinodinos actually replied to Jones as follows:

“I support a global non-discriminatory immigration policy. When it comes to refugees, we should assess them on their merits. I’m wary of the idea of saying, ‘Well, we should give a particular precedent to one group over another because of either their ethnicity or religious background. I think, at the end of the day, it has to be based on need, their need.”

So there it is. Sinodinos is ‘wary’ of putting our needs before those of refugees. Their needs apparently comes before our need to be assured that they or their children are not going to turn against us and our values. I don’t know Senator Sinodinos. I do know that his reply is pitifully asinine – and therefore drew the approval of the ABC audience.

Politicians should get this straight. Their job is to represent our interests and our children’s and their children’s interests; not the interests of refugees. I don’t think our interests are best served by our society becoming increasingly Islamic in character. If politicians think differently let them be open about it and explain the advantages. I can’t see them. I don’t believe Australians outside of the inner-city elite can see them either.

If those advantages exist why are all Islamic countries at the bottom of league table in prosperity and human rights? Exactly why would we want to import their cultural values? Why would women, not to mention feminists? Why would parents with daughters? Why would Christians or Jews, or Hindus for that matter? Why would gays or lesbians? Why would dog owners or pork-sausage eaters? Why would sculptors or artists? Why would drinkers or alcoholics or adulterers or atheists or heretics or apostates or thieves?

Of course, different cultures and religions have their own hang-ups and funny ways. But they keep them to themselves. That’s the difference. Islamists want to impose their ways on humanity. Muslims are innately susceptible to Islamism. It is not safe to have too many of them around. That is the politically incorrect truth.

When will politicians emerge who are willing to defend our values and our children’s and grandchildren’s future? We are being sold down the river in the company of Western Europe and America. No good can come of it.

It is ridiculous to hope that Islam can or will reform. Leave that Pollyanna-ism to Egypt’s President el Sisi. The only sure way to protect our values – the best the world has ever experienced – is to prevent too many Muslims from coming here. Full stop. End of story.

Peter Smith, a frequent Quadrant Online contributor, is the author of Bad Economics

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