Many columns have been written about President Obama’s fixation with climate change. Few- if any- have tackled the serious underlying issue which antedates the Obama Administration, namely, the underlying anti industry and anti capitalist agenda.

In 1983, during Ronald Reagan’s first term, Rael Jean Isaac and Erich Isaac prophetically wrote “The Coercive Utopians: Social Deception by America’s Power Players” describing the progressive and anti industry goals of the burgeoning environmental movement.
In 2013 Rael Isaac wrote :”Roosters of the Apocalypse: How the Junk Science of Global Warming is Bankrupting the Western World (New, Revised…Nov 25, 2013)

“Roosters of the Apocalypse” describes predictions of looming catastrophe from global warming as an apocalyptic prophecy with a scientific gloss, making it palatable to the modern mind. The book’s title comes from Richard Landes’s study of millennial movements: Landes calls those who crow an exciting new message demanding urgent action “roosters.” In this case, the action is to sacrifice fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy. Dire consequences do indeed loom as a result of “climate change” but they are economic and the book describes them: billions wasted on uneconomic “green energy,” millions forced into “fuel poverty” by green levies, jobs lost as industries are destroyed or forced abroad. The damage thus far is greatest in Europe, but the United States under President Obama, a committed climate rooster, is heading down the same path. Distinguished climatologist Richard Lindzen (professor of atmospheric science at MIT) has written the foreword: he notes that the book, appropriately in his view, places the current concern over climate in the realm of social anthropology rather than science.

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