BBC Covered Up Muslim Anti-Semitism by Translating “Jews” as “Israelis” By Daniel Greenfield

This isn’t the first time this has happened.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. The BBC did it before. I’ve seen ABC do it here in the US. The goal is to churn out hit pieces against Israel while covering up the racism of the Muslim settlers.

It’s also important to remember that “Yahud”, like a lot of terms for a minority group that the majority doesn’t like, is effectively a slur. In the Arab world, “Yahud” has the sound that “Jude” did under the Nazis. More than a name for a people, it carries a heavy weight of hatred and contempt.

In the Islamic tradition, Jews are one of the more contemptible groups around. While apologists for Islamic terrorism like to distinguish between Islamic anti-Semitism rooted in the Koran and Muslim violence against Jews today as a response to Israel, there is no distinction. They are all tied together by animus toward the “Yahud”. The Jews of the 18th century were still viewed as enemies of Islam who plotted to dominate Muslims… just as they are today.

But it’s more convenient for BBC hit pieces like “Children of Gaza” to hide the truth through mistranslation.

A BBC documentary has substituted the word “Israelis” for “Jews” in its translation of interviews with Palestinians, its maker has admitted.

Lyse Doucet has stood by the decision to translate “yahud” as “Israeli” in subtitles on her hour-long documentary Children of the Gaza War, which airs on BBC Two tonight.

Canada-born Ms Doucet said: “We talked to people in Gaza, we talked to translators. When [the children] say ‘Jews’, they mean ‘Israelis’. “We felt it was a better translation of it.”

The better translation is the word’s actual meaning. The Israelis are Jews, but it’s telling when Muslims use “Jews” instead of “Israelis.” Just as it would be telling if ISIS described Americans as Christians.

Translating Christians as Americans would be dishonest.

And here’s the thing. If an Israeli talked about Muslim barbarism, instead of Palestinian barbarism, there would be no convenient translation that hid what he said.

The BBC states that it’s not required to accurately translate words, which is an admission that it has the right to lie.

“The complaint concerned the translation of the Arabic word “Al-Yahoud” in an item about Hebrew being taught in Hamas-run schools in Gaza. The complainant said that the term translates literally into English as “the Jews” and it was inaccurate for the programme to have translated this as “an Israeli” in the English voice over. The complainant alleged that this was a mistranslation which was materially misleading. ..

The Committee concluded… that the decision to translate the contributor’s words as “an Israeli” was an appropriate exercise of editorial judgement.

Editorial is the right term.

Of course there’s a lot to retranslate out of the West Bank and Gaza. Like this…

Facebook page of Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor on Religious and Islamic Affairs and Supreme Shari’ah Judge – July 1, 2015

Al-Habbash received many replies supporting his words. One was the anti-Semitic response of Ashraf Salameh Abu Islam which Al-Habbash ‘liked’:

“This is what the Jews are working towards: the establishment of the great kingdom from the Iraq river [Euphrates] to the Nile. It used people with twisted, extreme faith, and the Jews are behind all that is happening from Iraq to Egypt. Unfortunately, there are those who implement their (i.e., the Jews) plans in the name of Islam.”

Come on BBC, get cracking. But there’s a solution. Just deny the existence of the Jews while claiming that they’re trying to take over the world.

At a peace conference in Chile, the Palestinian ambassador to the country cited the Czarist anti-Semitic tract The Protocols of the Elders of Zion as proof that Zionism was created to hide a Jewish plan for world domination.

Imad Nabil Jadaa also told the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel, held in Santiago, Chile, on May 15, that there is “no Jewish People” and that Palestinians don’t recognize the existence of a Jewish people.

“About the hatred we have against the Jewish people, as Palestinians, first, we don’t have hatred. Second, we don’t recognize the existence of the Jewish people — there is no Jewish people,” Jadaa said.

But the Jewish people who don’t exist are still trying to take over the planet.

“Until 1896 when a group of academic intellectuals, financial advisers, majority being non-Jewish Europeans, decided to create the Zionist movement with one pretext/excuse; the creation of a homeland for the Jewish people,” he said. “Although the truth is that this (the goal) is to protect their plans of dominating life in the entire planet.”

Those darn Yahuds. Or as the BBC would translate that, “The Israelis make me cry.”

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