In all past election cycles the summer before an election year engenders testy conversations with my liberal friends and relatives. This time the stakes are so high and the danger to our culture, our economy, our liberty and our security is the worst we have encountered in all my adult life.How shocking it is to me that the barbed exchanges I have been having are with my friends and political allies on the subject of Donald Trump.
James Taranto attended a post debate talk at the Women’s National Republican Club. He reports:
“Our method was to call for a show of hands for each candidate and eyeball the results. Trump was the clear winner….. We asked Trump supporters to explain why they like him. One woman raised her hand and said it was because “I support free speech.” Her point was not that Trump is an advocate of free speech but that he is a practitioner of it: He speaks bluntly and abjures political correctness.”
And so their anger, which I share finds a poster boy in an uncouth oaf, not fit, as they used to say in the Bronx, to run for dog catcher.
I left a post debate party because I was a tad under the weather and on my way out, a brilliant, politically savvy and energetic friend of mine told me that she prefers and roots for Trump. Why?She explained that “he tells it like it is.” Well, I suppose that depends on what the meaning of “it” is. …rsk

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