Iran’s Khamenei: “Iran will always hate America” By Victor Sharpe

President Obama made a false statement among many when he claimed that the only choice is to accept his Iran deal or face war. The opposite is true. The deal dramatically increases the very prospects of war.

Iran immediately receives $150 billion dollars, which will bolster its support for terrorism and regional conflicts, requiring a vigorous armed defense from neighboring states.

But insane as it is, our own president and commander in chief has agreed in a secret side deal to come to the aid of the Iranian Islamo-Nazi regime to prevent such an attack from taking place.

Iran, in the long run, will inevitably aggress, seek regional hegemony, and force the entire Middle East and beyond into a wider catastrophic conflict. Will the U.S. military then be forced by Barack Obama to fight on the side of the worst terror enabling state in the world? Perish the thought.

Obama also claimed that the deal would prevent Iran from getting the Bomb in the foreseeable future, whatever that means. Instead, the capitulation to Iran, engineered by Barack Obama, does the exact opposite. It legitimizes the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program and permits it to reach a nuclear weapons capacity with a breakout time measured in mere days.

Barack Obama claims that the entire world backs his deal. Not so.

None of Iran’s neighbors were involved in the negotiations. In fact, many countries in the Middle East including most Persian Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and, of course, the most threatened nation of all, Israel, are all deeply concerned about Iran’s greatly strengthened ability to finance and organize terrorism and all the horrors and misery it will inevitably produce.

President Obama also makes the false claim that rejection of a presidential deal is unprecedented. That, of course, is another whopper from the White House.

In fact, throughout U.S. history Congress has rejected agreements attempted by an often imperial president and has insisted on substantial and far reaching changes. There have been some 200 treaties, including scores of multilateral accords, which have been modified, often significantly, before they were ever approved.

That is, of course, when Congress was still a force to be reckoned with and the co-equal partner with the Executive and Legislative branches of government under the Constitution. But under the present baleful Republican leadership in the House and the Senate, this has been betrayed and a tyrannical president has been allowed to grow ever stronger.

Donald Trump, acting in his present capacity as Vox Populi, vehemently re-emphasized his disapproval of the Iran deal crafted by Secretary of State, John Kerry, last month. Speaking to a crowd in Iowa several weeks ago, he said:

“Israel was sold out by Kerry and Obama. You cannot let Iran have a nuclear weapon. You cannot have it. When they (the Iranians) march down the street saying ‘Death to Israel, Death to America,’ you can’t let it happen. It will not happen. Believe me, it will not happen here.”

Later, in an interview with NBC’s, ‘Meet the Press,’ Trump bashed the nuclear sell-out with Iran saying:

“They (Iran) will have nuclear weapons. They are going to take over parts of the world that you wouldn’t believe. And I think it’s going to lead to a nuclear holocaust.”

He continued by describing how he would have negotiated the deal, saying he wouldn’t have allowed Iran any of its frozen funds, and would have doubled up on sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the mullahs.

Congress now has until Sept. 17 to accept or reject the pact. Although a few principled Democrats will vote against President Obama’s Iranian deal, many others will vote with him. And all the while the Ayatollah Khamenei rants and gloats that he will always hate America and plan for its destruction.

It still seems as though most Democrats will vote for their party rather than out of any considerations for the wellbeing and security of the United States and its few remaining allies.

Meanwhile the deal, which is a base capitulation by this president to Iran, is more than likely to encourage Khameini and his mullahocracy to rush ever faster to building the Bomb, thus ushering in what the Shi’ites believe is the calamitous Islamic End of Days with the mystical emergence of what they call the 12th Imam.

And as if to provide aid and comfort to the mullahs and poke a derisory finger in Obama’s eye, Putin’s Russia has formally reached a deal to deliver up to four divisions of advanced S-300 missile systems to Iran.

The S-300 is a game changer and long range surface-to-air missile designed to intercept aircraft and cruise missiles. Its most advanced models can also target ballistic missiles.

The signing of the Russian missile deal includes an astonishing commitment to help Iran protect its nuclear facilities against an attack – just as the Obama Administration has also offered to help protect Iran from possible attack.

But it gets worse by the day. The Associated Press has now exposed yet another secret agreement known to Obama and Kerry who wanted to hide it, this time between Iran and the U.N. Agency – the IAEA – that carries out nuclear inspections.

The IAEA staff will now be reduced to the dangerous and farcical humiliation of watching Iran use its own inspectors at such sensitive facilities as the Parchin nuclear weapons site. This is like allowing the inmates of an asylum to run their own affairs.

Matters are now so incredibly bad that it is hard to make such things up.

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