The Immigration Tipping Point

For decades many Americans were ambivalent about immigration. The false arguments made by the open borders advocates – whom I have come to refer to as the “Immigration Anarchists” – succeeded in suppressing the truth from the majority of American citizens.

The notion that the United States has just four “border states” was blindly accepted by many people, along with the false statement that illegal aliens did the work Americans won’t do.

The concept of four border states caused many Americans, who lived far from the U.S.-Mexican border, to believe that the impact of illegal immigration was of scant consequence for them. Most Americans were unaware that nearly half of all illegal aliens were actually lawfully admitted into the U.S. and then, in one way or another, violated the terms of their admission.

For years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and various lobbying groups have peddled the false notion that the U.S. needs to import high-tech workers from overseas. Indeed, there are still politicians who support greatly increasing the number of H-1B visas for those high-tech workers. However, as John Adams famously remarked, “Facts are stubborn things.” News reports have made it clear that Silicon Valley and various U.S. corporations, such as Disney, have fired their highly qualified and experienced American workers, replacing them with workers from India and other countries.

Donald Trump ignited a firestorm when he took a very public position demanding that our borders be truly secured and our immigration laws be effectively enforced. However, while Trump deserves the credit for opening the debate, Mr. Obama’s duplicitous conduct deserves some of the credit for waking up our citizens to the immigration crisis that is undermining the safety and well-being of America and Americans.

The lunacy of “Sanctuary Cities” has come under scrutiny. Consider my August 20, 2015, article for FrontPage Magazine, “Sanctuary City Releases & Protects Illegal Alien Fugitive Rapist: Time for congressional subpoenas of the politicians and law-enforcement managers in Miami.

The current administration is admittedly only the latest of a long list of previous administrations that refused to effectively address the enforcement of our immigration laws. Current administration immigration policies and executive orders have far and away exceeded the failing of any prior administration and have effectively sanctioned the illegal entry of millions of illegal aliens. This has made an utter mockery of our immigration laws and pushed our nation well beyond the tipping point.

Meanwhile the Congressional Republican leadership used the transgressions of the Obama administration as an opportunity to issue press releases and bitterly complain that the administration’s immigration policies and failures to enforce the immigration laws and secure the border undermined the “Rule of Law” and undermined the Constitution. Yet they ignore the more compelling case that national security and public safety are being compromised.

Politicians are playing “Russian Roulette” with their political careers when they continue to chant the false mantra that millions of illegal aliens cannot be deported, and so, they say, these aliens should be granted lawful status. Many violations of law go undetected and therefore unpunished; however, no one would seriously suggest that we stop enforcing those laws. Immigration laws are no different.

Every politician in America must take note of the amazing success that Donald Trump has scored in advocating the commonsense position on immigration that the majority of Americans favor, irrespective of political orientation: secure our borders and effectively enforce our immigration laws to serve the best interests of our nation and our citizens.

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