A Nightmare, Reborn by Max Denken
Our Central European correspondent Max Denken returns with an overview of the “migration crisis” — not just the current metastasis of the disease in Europe, but also the symptoms exhibited throughout the twilight of the Western world.
Hope for thee, suicide for me
Like Goethe’s Young Werther (The Sorrows of Young Werther (German: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, 1774) Europe is committing suicide.
An unrequited love, as was the case with Goethe’s protagonist, except in this case it’s not for Lotte but for non-White, non-Christian “humanity.” An inability to take one’s own side in a conflict — ditto Werther, plus that’s the very definition of “Progressive.” A conviction, like Werther’s, that her suicide is necessary to restore balance and happiness — in her case, of the world. And voilà: the shot booms.
This being the 21st century, a pastiche of Beethoven’s and Schiller’s Ode to Joy is playing in the background, affirming the suicide’s undying “celebration” of the “European values” of “unity in diversity, freedom, peace, and solidarity.” Which would have been great, had the diversity not been artificially torqued to include at least 50 million aliens from all corners of the Third World. The great majority of whom are unalterably alien and unabsorbable Muslims.
Now even that has been superseded by prostration before a drowning tide of “refugees” from Africa and the Middle East — mostly Muslims, too. Muslims that Europe has fought at least ten major wars between AD 711 and 1699 to keep out of Europe, not counting dozens of bloody regional wars that individual nations had to wage to protect themselves from Islamic aggression, e.g. Russia (nine wars with Turkey alone ending 1878), Poland, Hungary, Byzantium, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania and others.
All that is accompanied by massive propaganda, lying, obfuscation, subterfuge, blackmail of dissenters and sheer terror at the hand of the states’ and EU’s ruling elites, hired “anti-racist” hounds, journalists groomed by postmodern Marxist mentors, freelance Antifa shock troops, and their Muslim allies. The psychotic illusion started long ego, when Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi’s foisted his European Union “dream” onto the European elite in the 1920s. The elite then foisted it on a bamboozled population, beginning in the 1950s-60s (see Jean Monnet, Giscard d’Estaing, Helmut Kohl and others) [1].
Coudenhove-Kalergi, a rich cosmopolitan aristocrat who, like today’s European and American potentates of the New World Order, never held a real job or balanced a checkbook, wrote in his Practical Idealism:
“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”[2]
He also wrote, in his Pan-European Manifesto (Eng. trans. Alfred A. Knopf, 1926, as Pan Europe) “Every great political happening began as a Utopia and ended as a Reality.” How true: we might adduce such additional examples as the Children’s Crusade in 1212, Communism, Maoism, National Socialism, and even Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple, of Jonestown, Guyana fame.
If Coudenhove-Kalergi is the utopian Karl Marx of “Pan-Europeanism,” those who are implementing his ideas — among them recipients of the European Prize Coudenhove-Kalergi: Herman Van Rompuy and Angela Merkel — are its “realist” Lenins. After all, they see daily how Europe, under their ministrations, is turning into a dark nightmare, though with faster trains and healthier food than in bygone days.
In his 2012 acceptance speech for this prize, Mr. Van Rompuy described the unification (and deconstruction) of Europe as a “peace project.” This, in an era when the Coudenhovian elite’s pet demographics butcher British soldiers or Dutch artists on the streets of their own hometowns, “groom” tens of thousands of little British girls and rape tens of thousands of Scandinavian women, shoot up with military rifles French, Belgian, Danish and German autochthon citizens, toss hand grenades in Sweden and petrol bombs in France, blow up commuter-stuffed trains in Spain and trash bins in Italian high schools, set up terror-ruled sharia “no-go” zones all over Europe, decapitate in Syria, and now riot, attack ferries, trains and buses, pull people out of their cars by their hair, and murder Nigerian Christians at sea and Sicilian grandparents on land.
Neither the exact number of “refugees” is available nor their composition; too scary, that. Official European statistics are as camouflaged as are the pixelated, skin tone-altered photos and videos of perpetrators of major crimes featured in European media reports.
The UN has stated that the number of “migrants risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean to Europe” has soared past 300,000 so far this year, and some 2,500 more have died trying. That the migrants’ risking their lives or “dying while trying” is not the business of Europe but the business of the migrants can no longer be mentioned in the estrogen-dripping mental asylum of “humanist values” that Europe has become. Quite like the inability of Americans to comprehend that all modes of immigration are meant to benefit the country taking in the immigrants; whether it helps the immigrants is their concern alone.
According to Frontex — a curious European creation supposed to guard EU’s borders while keeping them open and facilitating invading “refugees’” access — more than 350,000 migrants were “detected at the EU’s borders” in January-August 2015, compared with 280,000 detections in 2014.
Confusing European Commission reports (Eurostat) compel researchers to pore over the numbers. Per BBC News, Eurostat’s data shows that the number of asylum claims in the EU rose to 626,065 in 2014, up from 435,190 in 2013. The 626k figure in 2014 does not quite agree with the Frontex “detections” of 280k in 2014. Oxford’s Benjamin Henning, on his geography/demography blog, computes 570k asylum claims for the same year, based on the same Eurostat data. But then, none of these counts the uncountables anyway. Neither can Eurostat’s number of 417,430 officially recorded asylum claims in the first half of 2015, computed by Henning, compared to 350k “detected” through August by Frontex.
Eurostat’s tables named “Country of immigrants’ origin” instead show European countries in which the immigrants are present. Frontex has published some partial numbers that allow for an educated guess as to the origin of the refugees — in descending numerical order: Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Kosovo, Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa and Pakistan (BBC News report 1.9.2015). Libya is strangely missing, though it’s a major source of the invasion flotilla crossing the Mediterranean.
At any rate, all that is just the beginning. Preparing Europe to meet its destiny, the UN warns of “record high” 60 million displaced persons in broadening global conflicts. “The Great Migration will be with us for decades,” advises a recent headline in the British Telegraph, advising wisely, “It is not war, but money that drives people abroad. That is not going to change any time soon.” However, infected by the standard Western cultural spongiform encephalitis, the Telegraph treats “migration” as though it were a supreme force of nature, uncontrollable and irresistible.
Africa’s population, now 1.1 billion, is projected to grow to 2.4 billion by 2050. Pew Research Center estimates that the Muslim population of the Middle East and Africa alone will have grown to 552 million in 2050, from 317 million in 2010. India, whose current population approaches 1.3 billion, recently announced that it will be seeking “to emigrate” 300 million of its own. If you don’t know already where all this Third World surplus will seek to relocate, you are either an important member of the European Commission, an official in the Obama administration, or a do-good Christian, Jew or “humanist” white person, particularly of the female persuasion.
Already, well over 12 million — 20% of France’s population — are the foreign-born and their children, most of them African and Middle-Eastern Muslims. The respective ratios are 22% in Sweden and 16% in Norway. Sweden (population 9.6 million) is the top self-dissolving nation with 33,000 “refugees” granted asylum in 2014, then Germany (pop. 86 million) with 48,000, France and Italy (21,000 each) and the UK (14,000).
In multiple European cities, the majority of babies born in area hospitals are named Muhammad. Other than the name and the creed, it’s quite the same in the United States. Noting that there are 147 Latinos, 41 Blacks and six Whites born every hour in the United States, mega-business corporations crow about the emergence of a “large, diverse consumer base,” and mega-politicians express their fond anticipation of that hallowed year, 2043, when the majority of U.S. population will be non-white. Schools in Sidney, Australia, are becoming “Anglo-ghettos,” with students of foreign background ranging 52% in public high schools and 22% in independent schools (2011 stats; now it’s worse).

Both Europe and the United States have already lost control of their borders, but the consequences are direr for Europe. The strife, chaos, disorientation, despair and seeds of future decline, anarchy, tyranny, internecine war and genocide that Europe’s rulers have dumped on their subjects may be apprehended from a small roster of recent headlines, reproduced here for future archeologists of lost civilizations:
- “Chaos in Hungary as huge crowd of migrants force Budapest station to evacuate after trying to board trains for Germany and clashing with police”
- “Refugee children, close to death, found in van in Austria”
- “Smugglers who drove EU migrants to death part of vast web”
- “Screaming passengers threatened to smash windows of Eurostar”
- “On Border Wait, Refugees Claim ‘Fake’ Syrians Try to Get Across”
- “Migrant crisis: Pakistanis, others dumping IDs to become ‘Syrian’“
- “Migrants Trudge Through Balkans in ‘Dramatic’ Challenge to Europe”
- “Migrants Halt Channel Tunnel Trains for Second Day Running”
- “Italy: Muslim Immigrants Gang-Rape, Beat Head of Reception Center, Destroy Facility, Attack Care Workers”
- “Refugees Have Little Fear of Hungary’s Fence”
- “Hungary to deploy army to stop migrants at border”
- “Munich overwhelmed”
- “Murder of elderly couple in Sicily fuels Italy’s growing anti-immigrant sentiment”
- “Greek Island Turns Into War Zone as Syrian and Afghan Migrants Clash”
- “Muslim refugees Chant ‘Allahu Akbar,’ F**k You [in Hungary], Attack Citizens, Throw Feces [in Italy]”
- “ISIS recruits shout “Allahu Akbar” in refugee trains going to Germany”
- “Extremists recruiting Syrian refugees in Germany”
- “Spain warns of jihadist infiltration threat with ‘avalanche’ of refugees”
- “ISIS Caught Crossing Into Europe Posing as Refugees”
- “New migrant clashes on Lesvos as EU chief [Donald Tusk] warns ‘exodus’ could last years”
- “British taxpayers are forking out around £36,000 a year to detain every illegal immigrant that sneaks across our borders.”
And all that on top of somewhat earlier “refugees” and “Welcome Immigrants” news, such as:
- “Jihad families used UK welfare benefits to fund flight to the Islamic State”
- “Every Deported Illegal Household Saves [American] Taxpayers More than $700,000”
- “USA at ‘Highest Threat Level We have Ever Encountered’” [Hint: the threat is not from 6th generation Italian-Americans or 2nd generation Korean-Americans]
- [Palestinian “refugee”] “Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez texted friend link to Koranic verse before attack” [killed five, wounded two]
- “Teen who joined Isis returns to Sweden”
- “Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms FBI”
- “Virginia Town Rocked by [lethal Salvadorian gang] MS-13 Vandalism Days After Illegals Murder High School Student”
- “They came with knives, machetes and iron bars: Albanians attack German public school and heavily injure students”
On the Greek island of Lesbos alone, more than 1,000 illegal immigrants float in daily on rickety boats from Turkey. Finland has revised its 2015 estimate of asylum seekers from 15,000 to 30,000. More than 100,000 refugees have been registered in Hungary in 2015 alone. 3,000 asylum-seekers now pass Macedonia, and at least 3,000 enter Hungary, daily. So many of the refugees are pregnant women — and Islam is already conquering Europe via the power of the womb, just as Mexico does the United States — that in Hungary, where refugee centers are less well-equipped, desperate conditions prevail that may spawn a contagion.
In a single September weekend, 20,000 refugees entered Germany via Hungary by train, bus, and on foot. In any 24-hour span, more than 13,000 refugees stream into Germany via its Austrian border. But even as it acknowledges “desperate conditions” at that border, Germany begs, “Give me more.” Its Vice Chancellor has announced that his country will be willing to take 500,000 “asylum seekers” every year from now on, in addition to the 800,000 expected to arrive before the end of this year.
Alarms are ringing all over Europe — so far, in vain. Italy’s foreign minister has said that the deepening immigration crisis is threatening to rip the “soul” out of the European Union. Hungary’s Prime Minister, Victor Orban, has said that the refugee deluge is threatening the Christian roots of Europe. Hungary’s Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo has called the “refugees” an “invasion with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar,’ aiming to take over.” Geert Wilders has told the Dutch parliament that the refugee crisis is an Islamic invasion. The secretary general of Danish Refugee Council has said that the refugee crisis may lead to a total collapse of European society: Armageddon. UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage has said of the “refugees welcome” policy that it is “mad to take this risk with the cohesion of our societies.” Hans-Peter Friedrich, a former Interior Minister of Germany, said in an interview that opening Germany’s borders to the “migrants” was an unprecedented political mistake with devastating consequences.
The Czech Finance Minister has called for NATO to defend against “the biggest threat to Europe” — i.e. “migrants.” That one won’t fly, but the Czech Republic being one of the eight or nine remaining countries where autochthon Whites have not “progressed” to terminal insanity, Czech President Milos Zeman has called on the Czech Army to defend the country’s borders, as Hungary’s army is doing now. And Switzerland, another island of sanity, has ordered its army to engage in the Duplex-Barbara war game, per a scenario of France caving in upon herself and some of the predatory fiefdoms that form — demographic guess, anyone? — launching a looting attack on Switzerland. This, after the Stabilo-Due exercise in 2012 per a scenario of “great migrations” after the European Union disintegrates.
And still, Europe, like a Japanese mother taking her brood with her as she suicides by drowning, is deliberately entering a roiling tide, firmly grasping her children. The difference between the two is that Europe lies, and is so perverse in her deed that she cares more about alien children drowning than she cares about her own that she is about to drown. America, competing for “progressive” creds with Europe, watches the advancing wall of water with yearning and curses the Gun Nuts, Bible Freaks and White “Racists” who still hamper her with fraying cords.
Quantum Lunacy
As if the West’s homicidal lunacy were not enough, Europe’s and the New World Order’s princes urge her to do more. Pope Francis has called on Catholics to not only welcome refugees — i.e. Muslims being persecuted by other Muslims — but to house and absorb them. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, pleads for open borders. Mr. Juncker also asserts that poverty rather than Europe’s own “Welcome” impotence drive migration, so he proposes to take 1.8 billion euro from European taxpayers in order to create a trust fund for Africa — that won’t, cannot, help. And Cecilia Wikström, Swedish Member of the European Parliament and priest in the Church of Sweden says that EU member states are doing so little “to help guarantee safe passage” [of the 2.5 billion or so inhabitants of the failed states and cultures of Islam and Africa] that in the future it will be compared to Sweden “turning a blind eye to the Holocaust.”
The United Nations — in various ways a branch of the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation — issues daily appeals to Europe to do “more,” to engage in a “massive common effort,” despite the curious, total absence of any fabulously rich Muslim state from this humanitarian effort on behalf of Muslims being persecuted by other Muslims.
François Crépeau, the UN “Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants,” urges the West to adopt a “global humanitarian plan,” asserting with the certainty of a national security expert, which he is not, that “walls and tear gas won’t stop migrants.” The UN Refugee Agency opts for another gambit altogether, by urging that legal channels for migration must be expanded so that fewer people “in need of international protection” have to undertake “dangerous irregular journeys.”
The United States is already an expert on the latter, as it lets in, legally, 280,000 Muslim “migrants” every year, Breitbart News reports, and that is a number, expert agree, that will grow in the future. With that, of course, will grow the number of terrorist attacks, sabotage, sharia no-go zones, honor killings and the size and weight of the American Tower of Babel (84 languages spoken in Boston Public schools currently). With that will grow an enormous fascist state machine clamping hard on the entire population in lieu of preventing the importation of the minority from which the lethal acts and the chaos originate.
Barack Hussein Obama lit up the phone lines to Berlin to tell Angela Merkel how much he loves her “leadership” in the migrant crisis. The Obama Administration, not content with turning Minnesota into the second largest Somali state in the world and always responsive to the wishes of the African-Activist-in-Chief, is increasing its 2016 “Refugee Quota” to 75,000, of whom at least 10,000, Mr. B. Hussein has ordered, must be from Syria. Muslim, it goes without saying. The immigration watchdog organization Numbers USA informs in a mass email:
“The Executive Branch has as history of using the Office of Refugee Resettlement to circumvent Congressional limits on immigration by granting refugee status to certain groups of foreign citizens whether or not their refugee claims are legitimate. For example, most illegal aliens who crossed the border during last year’s border surge were allowed to apply for refugee status even though they did not fit within the international definition of a refugee. As a result, the United States has resettled 500,000 of the world’s refugees since 2009, accounting for 70% of all refugees designated for resettlement worldwide.”
In a manner familiar to students of faked and media-fanned “Israeli atrocities” in Gaza, every image of a dead refugee child, or just one looking distressed, is used skillfully to express more tears from Europe’ s and America’s lachrymose glands. The media has no interest in disclosing that the dead child’s father is a smuggler of “refugees” who drove the unsafe boat himself.
“In Nordics, many refugees encounter a paradise lost,” asserts a Reuters headline. Thousands in Sweden sign up for ‘Refugees Welcome’ rally. A group of Swedish police officers posted a video on Facebook with a warm welcome to newly-arrived refugees to Sweden. Two “Swedish” entrepreneurs (with Muslim names) set up Refugee Air — “aimed at enabling refugees to safely travel into the EU.”
In the Netherlands, Dutch women assemble to sing to the flooding tide, “You are welcome! Welcome in my country.” Finland is raising taxes on “the wealthy” to cover the cost of “migrants.” Finland’s Prime Minister offers to take “migrants” into his own home, as do many Icelander volunteers. In Estonia, still spared the contagion, a governing Useful Idiot — Member of Parliament Eerik Niiles Kross — means to change that by opining in the Up North blog, “Estonia Is Not Threatened by ‘Masses of Islamists’, but by Total Provincialization.”
On Saturday, 12 September, in Copenhagen, 30 thousand people demonstrated for “open policy versus ‘refugees,” with placards that read “Welcome Refugees.” “Tens of thousands” marched in London in the ‘Solidarity with Refugees’ event, egged on by the newly elected commie leader of Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. Ben Riley-Smith, political reporter for The Telegraph, tweeted “Red Flag booms over Parliament Square after Corbyn speech. Thousands cheer. It has begun!”
Indeed it has. But not what Mr. Riley-Smith has in mind.
Further in the UK, families of British jihadists killed in Syria are preparing to sue the government for compensation. But the hashtag #refugeeswelcome is the hottest Twitter thing among British “celebrities,” exceeding even their self-loving selfies. And the centrist Daily Express reports that a sign with [Field Marshall] Kitchener telling Muslims to get out of Britain is “sick hate.” Par for the course in a country that sentenced its own Royal Marine to life in prison for killing a Taliban enemy.
Stephen Colbert, one of American TV’s most powerful showmen, opens the first night of his Late Show ridiculing illegal immigration opponent Donald Trump and implying that Trump is the KKK. Actress Emma Thompson, reports the British press, blasts her country’s failure to take on more refugees as “racist.” No one reports why Western mass media consider the socio-political opinions of nincompoops with good cheekbones and a talent for mimicry worthy of publication.

ABC News photo of Cruel Whitey and poor refugee woman
And this is most important: Al-Jazeera and Al Arabiya, whose satellite dishes stick out of even tents and mud huts in Muslim Asia and Africa, report all that. So does China’s official news agency Xinhua, which urges the United States to do more in the refugee crisis while China itself refrains from doing anything. Always the smart ones, the Chinese.
The Endless Emergency
No one can possibly surpass the Germans when it comes to doing away with oneself, but Germany is a special case, deserving its own chapter. And what about the others? Why the enthusiastic welcome of self-submergence in hordes of feral Muslim aliens who share little in common with the invaded peoples?
Here, the answers are all over the map, and they are all wrong. The Nationalist Right alone has been alert to the horrible calamity ever since it began — but it forfeited all for its monomaniacal blaming of the Jews. What we are witnessing is the subconscious (New-Age types would say “karmic”) death-wish of the civilization that persecuted Jews cruelly for 2000 years, mostly for outrageously bogus reasons (“Christ-killers” etc.) and eventually abandoned them to a horrifying wipeout by the self-appointed apotheosis of “Whiteness” — Hitler’s Third Reich. Taking Hitler’s side in this equation is not only wrong, but hopelessly dumb.
The “conservatives” blame “godless socialists” — but that’s obvious myopia, given the outsize role played by both sincere Christians and women of all political stripes in this self-wipeout. The International Left blames the great Satan — United States — plus Wall Street, Republicans, “white racists” etc. Daniel Estulin blames the Bilderberg Group. David Ickes blames the Babylonian Brotherhood of shape-shifting reptiles.
I blame mostly the political and cultural ruling elites that I call The Club of Traitors, Thieves, Malignant Narcissists, Estrogen Dupes and Useful Idiots. In their open sabotage of the fundamental laws of biology, of survival, they are more stupid than a six-pound common rooster — ironically, the national symbol of France. That little fellow with big feathers will scuttle tirelessly to ward off interlopers, no matter how big, from the territory where his hens are. But the West now is a coop run by clucking hens and capons; roosters are not welcome.
Some of the Club’s members have a sinister motive: to mire the developed West in an endless state of emergency that can only be contained by more government power: more power and privilege to the ruling elite and a much heavier yoke for the serfs. But only some have that particularly sinister motivation: it’s probable that even more just want to do “good.” No matter: the result will still be gradual destruction and endless emergency.
Whatever the motive, the Immigration tsunami that currently undergoes its latest phase — the one predicted in 1973 by Jean Raspail in his The Camp of the Saints — appears to be a reprehensible crime against humanity, for neither Europe nor America want to commit suicide — only their ruling elites force them to. But there is another view:
People who elect an Obama in America, a Hollande in France or a Brundland or Stoltenberg in Norway, deserve what history has in store for them. European-origin peoples who put Burundians in cabinet positions in charge of “Equality,” as Sweden has, or Mexican foreign agents in their parliaments, as the U.S. has, or Pakistani Muslims in their House of Lords, as Great Britain has, deserve to be swamped by the kin of those they elevate.
People that put women in Minister of Defense positions, as Europe does, or in military combat units, as the United States does (latest unforeseeable news: “Women injured twice as often as men, Marine study finds”) deserve that Russia, China, and the troops of Islam run circles around them. While China now patrols Alaska and expands its space warfare capabilities with American money and technology, and Russia builds an air-base in Syria and who knows what in the Arctic, America worries about how to integrate transsexuals in its military, promote more melanin-rich officers and import more imams for its soldiers.
Peoples that allowed NKVD (i.e. KGB) to turn their intellectual elites into Useful Idiots already in the 1920s can’t complain that they are now headless. Peoples that permit Justin Bieber, Rihanna, gold-festooned gangstas and vulgarian reality-TV celebrities to occupy their cultural space to the exclusion of almost all else save for “progressive” propaganda, do not deserve that their cultures survive. It’s too late to complain about the ruling elites, when the demos has been degenerating for as long as ours has.
There are, however, two exceptions. One is the minority in each Western country that hasn’t lost its mind and traduced its soul — it’s just powerless in a democratic system in which the ruling elite has betrayed the people, and the deciding majority couldn’t care less. The other exception are the countries of the former Iron Curtain, preserved and protected from Europe’s lethal virus as if they were an ancient gnat sunk in amber. They are the last preserve of Old Europe, a unique ecosystem still populated by the indigenous species.
They are also the last refuge for the kind of ‘migrants’ that the world will soon see: white people population-replaced in their own countries, fleeing from chaos, persecution and tyranny. And here lies the crux of yet a bigger crime by Merkel, Hollande, Juncker & Company, for by blackmail, threats, censure and other pressure means they mean to destroy those last natural ecosystems and last European peoples’ havens, too.
1. | There are many well-researched books on the related deceptions, e.g. Booker, Christopher, and North, Richard, The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2003 | |
2. | Coudenhove-Kalergi R.N., Praktischer Idealismus, (Practical Idealism), 1925, pp. 20,23. |

Max Denken was well on his way to PhDs in Economics and Political Science until he discovered that the former was based on quantifying wildly fanciful assumptions and the latter was much closer to Scientology than to Science. Born Central European, he has become Marginal American: wrong race, wrong gender, wrong sexual orientation, wrong religion, wrong thoughts.
Previously: Totentanz: Austria’s New-Old Waltz
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