The misguided and dangerous Leftist canard that Muslim terrorists ie IslamoFascists are merely reactant victims of poverty leads to grotesque “PC” remedies that are doomed to fail..Sol Sanders
No -- terror attacks are episodes in  a continuance of the centuries
old battle that the civilised world has  against the militarist, political
ambitions of the Muslim Ummaa -- since its founding.... 

The warped Islamic
philosophy is inculcated in the madrassas -- radical imams should be a prime
target for silencing... 

Islam -- not necessarily radical --seeks the
conversion or destruction of any but Muslim ( and indeed either Sunni or Shia
Islam -- long may they battle each other, it is a partial salvation for the
non-Muslim world) adherents.. 

Brave modern Muslims calling for a reformation
-- like Irshad Manji and others -- are roundly ignored by Muslim leaders and
their Leftist supporters in the West (why??? -- oh, yes the radicals are victims
of capitalism, poverty etc..). 

So I believe a much more vigorous war against
the radicals plus an all out propaganda campaign to all Muslim areas to aid
reformation are the name of the game for the West (with Israel the 'canary in

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