This past Sunday on the Fox News Channel, the host  Chris Wallace challenged Il Donald on the his claim that “Islam hates us.”

I don’t have the exact transcript but Wallace displayed appalling ignorance when he claimed….more or less….” There are a billion Muslims in the world and only about 100,000 are radical….” Il Donald gamely answered but did not dispute the number.

Now, what is the population of Somalia one of the most hostile anti-American Muslim nations in Africa? 10.5 million. And Pakistan? 181.2 million. Yemen? 24.4 million. And let’s pretend that only 10% of that population- a deflated number- hates America….evidenced by their frequent flag burning tantrums and shrieks for jihad….that number from only three nations is quite a bit more than the 100,000 that Wallace mentioned.

Is Wallace that ignorant or does he just shy from appearing “Islamophobic?” rsk

p.s. Il Donald also promised to make trains run on time…..or else …..

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