Divisive, Vulgar President Condemns Divisive, Vulgar Rhetoric Daniel Greenfield


I’m sorry, did somebody order a hypocrite?

Obama used a Syracuse University event here Monday night to condemn the “divisive and often vulgar rhetoric” that has taken hold in politics…

Shocking, just shocking. I really wish we could go back to the genteel era when Obama was urging his supporters to get in people’s faces and telling Hispanics to punish their enemies.

“The No. 1 question I get right now as I travel the world and speak to world leaders is: What is happening in American politics?” Obama said in a keynote speech.

It’s been the question ever since Obama took office. But it’s a good thing he’s not divisive.

The president urged journalists to do their job and hold politicians accountable

Just politicians not named Obama…

“If I say that the world is round and someone else says it’s flat, that’s worth reporting. But you might also want to report on a bunch of scientific evidence that shows the world is round,” Obama said.

Usually it’s Obama claims the earth is flat and the media claims that anyone who disagrees is a racist.

Obama said that politics has “always been rough and tumble” but when politicians become ignorant of reason and facts and analysis, “when it doesn’t matter what’s true and what’s not, that makes it all but impossible to make good decisions on behalf of future generations.”

True. That’s the kind of atmosphere in which you run up a 20 trillion dollar national debt while the media repeats your talking points about cutting the budget.

Obama noted increasing pressure on journalists and declining resources but said the cause of journalism needs to stay on the forefront. “A well-informed electorate depends on you and our democracy depends on a well-informed electorate,”

And then an award named after an Obama fan was given out to a left-wing reporter..

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