No URL Jacques Godfrin appreciates what our country has always stood for and is alarmed at how so many who were born here are willing to see so much of what made America great disappear.

…..When Joe hurt Jim because he was goaded into action by Jeff, of course Joe is guilty, but isn’t Jeff the more guilty party? Before Jeff started nudging, Joe wasn’t thinking about actually doing anything. Jeff committed incitement, which is influencing someone to do what you yourself won’t risk because it’d get you in trouble.

There is a lot of incitement going on these days, which does not speak well of the actors’ maturity nor of their honorability. We read and hear of many people who don’t like our current president and let their discomfiture go to extremes that are not only dangerous but bordering on the criminal. Why criminal? Because what they are bandying about – indirectly of course – is nothing less than ending a life, this accompanied by a cloud of insults and vulgarities.

It started with the usual abuse: “dumb,” “incompetent,” “monster,” “trash,” “Hitler”, and escalated with “piece of sh…” and Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, saying that Republicans just wanted to elect “any mammal,” implying the president rates no better than subhuman.

It was also suggested that the White House should be blown up. In case that notion lacked clarity, we have been regaled with a photo showing a woman holding by the hair the severed bloody head of the president. And in case that was not sufficiently direct for some, now we have a play, “Julius Caesar,” staged in Central Park in New York City. Written about 400 years ago, it’s about the assassination of the prominent Roman Julius Caesar. However, this particular play is acted with current clothing styles, all the way down to Trump’s long tie, and the actor playing the role of Julius Caesar (who gets murdered, remember?) noticeably looks like Trump. What do you think is being whispered in your ear?

With this background, these incitements, how long will it take before some simpleton, sufficiently brainwashed, attempts to kill this president? It’s not impossible, other presidents have been killed; should our nation see one more atrocity stemming from nothing more imperative than an electoral defeat? Is this what we have come to? Goodbye democratic republic, hello Middle-Eastern hell-hole?

And, judging from experience, if what I fear should come to pass, many in the news media would never blame the provocateurs, but instead seize the occasion to agitate for disarming the population and explain that the death penalty is only for the victims.

Those who have the power to stop this unseemly garbage, but don’t, fail to understand that, not only are they lowering themselves to the level of the vile ones, but more importantly, they contribute to the debasement of the Presidency of the United States of America, hence of our prestige and influence, in the eyes of the world. From the Venezuelan dictator to the Iranian Ayatollahs, from the North Korean chief thug to Russia’s Putin, there are broad smiles out there.

Isn’t it time to demand a return to decency and the democratic acceptance of the verdict of the people at the ballot box? Isn’t it time to shove the irresponsible partisans, the sore losers, the low life, back in the wood work, and go along with the ups and downs of the political cycles without thinking you’ve been personally insulted and the world is ending? Given our electoral system no party remains in power forever, for heaven’s sake just wait for your turn! Will the recent losers come back to their senses or continue the downslide?

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