The Anti-Defamation League’s map of antisemitic incidents is almost the same as the map of blue states. Liberal Massachusetts, Florida, Pennsylvania, and California are the worst, with up to 400 antisemitic hate crimes. West Virginia, supposedly full of deplorable people, comes in with just two incidents. Idaho, still smeared as a home to white militias, had only five, compared to liberal Connecticut’s 50.
Democrats rely on anti-Jewish voting blocks to win elections. Hispanic immigrants are 30-40 percent antisemitic, three or four times the national average. Blacks are twice the national average, 20-30 percent antisemitic. Our millions of new Muslim immigrants are doubly anti-Semitic, by religion and by the legacy of the Third Reich.
On college campuses, Jew-hatred is everywhere—in course lectures, public programs, hate incidents, and boycotts of Israel. We are not talking about ordinary political discourse. We are talking about claims that Jews are subhuman, rule the world, murder children, that Israel should be a pariah nation, and that Jews should be killed. Anti-Jewish programming is protected by college administrators and paid for with public funds. Millennials have absorbed antisemitic libels in large numbers.
Common antisemitism among the black community is now visible to outsiders, thanks to social media. “Black Woman Destroys White Privilege Myth” is a million-hit YouTube success. It starts out so sensibly. The creator, a small-town Texas Millennial, cheerfully admits black privilege got her into college without the required SAT scores. She forcefully disagrees there is such a thing as white privilege—with one exception:
If you go to work every single day for a 40-hour work week, you are not privileged. If you pay taxes, you are not privileged. You got a mortgage, you got a car payment, you’re not privileged. If you had to apply for your job, you’re not privileged. The real privileged people in our society are the movie makers, the politicians, etc. etc. And all of those people happen to be Jewish. Jewish people have privilege.
I suspect it sounds normal to the black Washington, D.C. council member who posted his own antisemitic Facebook video rant last month about a snowstorm.