Mitt Romney Blasts ‘Deep Descent’ of Trump Presidency In op-ed piece, incoming Utah senator and former 2012 presidential candidate says president ‘has not risen to the mantle of office’ by Peter Nicholas see note please

Shame on Mitt Romney who was stumped badly by Obama in the 2012 debates, and ultimately rejected by Donald Trump when he auditioned for a cabinet post. An incoming Senator should concentrate on the ways a GOP representative can bring prosperity to his state…..rsk

WASHINGTON—Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential nominee who will be sworn in as senator for Utah on Thursday, delivered a withering attack on President Trump’s character in an op-ed article published Tuesday.

Mr. Romney wrote in the Washington Post that U.S. presidents are role models who should “unite and inspire” a nation and display “honesty and integrity.”

“And it is in this province where the incumbent’s shortfall has been most glaring,” he wrote.

Mr. Romney’s article is an unusual attack from a member of the president’s own party. In the Senate, Republican criticism of Mr. Trump has been sparing, coming primarily from lawmakers who are on their way out of office, notably Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona.

By taking aim at Mr. Trump in so public a forum at the beginning of his term, Mr. Romney appears to be signaling that he will follow a more independent path when it comes to the president’s behavior. The piece inevitably will stoke speculation that Mr. Romney may want to challenge Mr. Trump for the 2020 Republican presidential nomination. Polling shows, though, that Mr. Trump commands the loyalty of rank-and-file Republicans.

The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Mr. Trump is sensitive to attacks from prominent political figures, though, and typically uses his Twitter feed to respond.

In a tweet Tuesday night, Mr. Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, wrote: “The truth is @mittromney lacked the ability to save this nation. @realdonaldtrump has saved it. Jealously is a drink best served warm and Romney just proved it.”

In the article, Mr. Romney praised some of Mr. Trump’s policies, including the nomination of conservative judges and passage of a tax-code overhaul.

“But policies and appointments are only part of a presidency,” he wrote.

The 2012 GOP presidential nominee—who failed to defeat Barack Obama in his re-election bid—said that “on balance, his (Mr. Trump’s) conduct over the past two years…is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of office.”

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