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March 2019

No Winners in the ‘Collusion’ Wars By Andrew C. McCarthy


Both sides are peddling inflated talking points.

‘There was absolutely no collusion!”

“Are you kidding? There was a boatload of collusion!”

I’ve been doing legal analysis in hotly contested cases, including political cases, for about 35 years. By now, I should be used to the insidious word games, as well as the confusion inherent when people imprecisely use ambiguous words because they don’t know any better. Yet it seems like it has never been worse than it is now.

That’s because I’m spoiled. I spent the first couple of decades in the confines of a top-tier judicial system. In legal proceedings, a judge is there to make sure no one plays fast and loose with language. As a young prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, I was very fortunate that my cases were assigned to exceptional judges, who made it their business to mind the court record.

At the time, I didn’t appreciate how valuable that was — judges interrupting the testimony, even if there had been no objection, to clarify what a lawyer or witness meant by some loaded word planted in a question or uttered in an answer. But by the end of the trial, in the transcript that would ultimately be reviewed by appellate courts, there was no way a fuzzy term, such as “collusion,” would be permitted to muddy the waters. Everyone understood what it meant, and didn’t mean, within the four corners of the case.

The Russia Hoax: Should We All Now Just Move On? March 29, 2019/ Francis Menton


A week ago today, the issuance of the Mueller Report finally popped the long-inflating bubble of the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. After thousands of excited and breathless press reports and cable news segments over two-plus years (“new bombshell,” “the walls are closing in,” “impeachment,” etc.), it turned out that there was nothing there. So is there any point in wasting any more time on this? Why don’t we all just move on?

You won’t be surprised that many voices in the media are already advocating for that. At the New York Times, they had barely made it to Tuesday when the lead front page article, headlined “Trump, Citing ‘Evil Deeds,’ Turns Wrath on His Critics,” started pushing for Trump to “drop the subject,” citing the precedents of Reagan and Clinton:

[Trump’s] approach [of seeking retribution against his critics], if it lasts, contrasts with those of other presidents who survived major scandals. After the Iran-contra affair, President Ronald Reagan happily dropped the subject and focused on arms control talks with the Soviet Union and other issues. After being acquitted at his Senate impeachment trial, President Bill Clinton was just as eager to move on to Social Security and other initiatives.

Less expected, perhaps, was the op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on the same day from long-time G.W. Bush advisor Karl Rove, with the headline “Move On From Robert Mueller, Mr. President.” That article’s gist was captured in its sub-headline, “Obsessing over the investigation’s origins isn’t the way to win over swing voters.” Rove urges Trump to switch his attention to focusing on a positive message, including the strong economy.

Scalise: Those Who Call Fossil Fuels ‘Immoral’ Should ‘Stop Using Them Today’ By Nicholas Ballasy


WASHINGTON — House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) called on lawmakers and activists who argue that fossil fuels are “immoral” to “stop using them today.”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, proposed a bill in 2017 that would outlaw the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles within the U.S. beginning in 2035. Members of Congress such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) have called for the end of fossil fuel production in America.

Scalise was asked if he would support banning the sale of gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles in the U.S. by a certain date.”No, and in fact, I would suggest that people who say fossil fuels are immoral, I disagree with them, first of all. I think fossil fuels help save lives, help lower costs, help create jobs and help people have a higher standard of living in America.

But if they truly think fossil fuels are immoral, then stop using them today,” Scalise said on Wednesday during a press conference on Capitol Hill about the House Energy Action Team, which was formed in response to the Green New Deal.

Eric Holder: America Never Great A God complex on full display. Matthew Vadum


America has never been “great” and those who embrace the Trump campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” or MAGA, are racists, sexists, and homophobes, disgraced former Attorney General Eric Holder told his ideological comrades at MSNBC in an interview this week.

Since leaving office Holder has been spending his time plotting to turn the U.S. into a one-party state. He recently said the next Democrat president should pack the Supreme Court with leftists to combat what he called Republicans’ “power-grabbing antics.” Holder is now chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a political action committee that claims “the political system is rigged,” and “the fight to fix it is now.”

But what is particularly disturbing is that Holder, cited with contempt by Congress and nearly impeached and who spent his time in office stirring up racial animosity for political advantage –he infamously called America “a nation of cowards” on issues involving race— is not an outlier on the Left with his ugly, anti-American views. His sentiments are largely embraced by the Democratic Party’s base across the country, the mainstream media, Hollywood, academia, and more or less by all those now running for the Democrats’ 2020 presidential nomination.

Putin Pulls a Syria in Venezuela The Russian is betting he can prop up Maduro at little political cost.


Vladimir Putin has made a career of intervening abroad and seeing if the world lets him get away with it. He did this in Georgia when George W. Bush was President, then in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and Syria in Barack Obama’s Presidency. Now he’s doing the same on Donald Trump’s watch—this time in America’s backyard in Venezuela.

Two planes arrived in Caracas last weekend with 100 Russian troops, and in recent years Russia has provided cash, food and weapons to prop up the regime of Nicolás Maduro. The U.S. has thrown its support behind Juan Guaidó, the interim president chosen by the National Assembly and backed by nearly every country in the region. But Mr. Putin is betting that with a limited military and financial investment he can keep Mr. Maduro in power, expand his control over Venezuela’s oil company, impress the world with his moxie, and embarrass Mr. Trump.

Stop Iran From Going Nuclear by Majid Rafizadeh


“Thank God, the tests on the IR4 and IR2M (centrifuges) have been completed. They were tested for over 12 years. Today we have all the data, and we can easily manufacture them on an industrial scale.” — Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was not allowed to inspect or monitor Iran’s military sites where nuclear activities were most likely being carried out. Among the many concessions that the Obama administration gave the Iranian government, one was accepting the Iranian leaders’ demand that these military sites would be out of the IAEA’s reach.

Due to this surrender, various high-profile Iranian sites such as the Parchin military complex, located southeast of Tehran, were free to engage in nuclear activities without the risk of inspection.

Once the authoritarian, anti-Semitic and anti-American government of Iran possess a nuclear bomb, no amount of actions will be able reverse the catastrophe.