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April 2019

CNN disgraces itself over Mike Pompeo By Barry Shaw


CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked James Comey, the disgraced head of the FBI, if his FBI should have shut down “hate speech” at Trump rallies.

Hate speech, we need to understand, is speech the left disapproves of. Amanpour has said nothing about Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters “deplorable,” not to mention the 24/7 CNN attacks on the president, including calling him a traitor.

When a journalist asks an FBI chief to close down speech she doesn’t like is when America and its media has reached a dangerous moment. It’s when liberal progressive news channels become intolerant regressive political machines.

This wasn’t a first for Amanpour, a once-great journalist now become a well-paid media party hack.

Amanpour was active in preventing Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State, from becoming the recipient of the James Foley Freedom Award.

To remind ourselves, James Foley was beheaded by ISIS in 2014 by what President Obama described as “the JV team,” and it was the Trump Administration, including Pompeo, that gave the command and led the total defeat of ISIS.

Part of the proud record of Mike Pompeo in rescuing hostages was outlined in his letter to Diane, James Foley’s mother on April 2, 2019, on learning he had been selected to receive the award.