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April 2019

Glazov Video: Muslim Parents Suffocate “Too Westernized” Daughter Who will stand up for 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed? VIDEO


In this new video below, Frontpage Editor Jamie Glazov discusses Muslim Parents Suffocate “Too Westernized” Daughter — and he asks: Who will stand up for 17-year-old Shafilea Ahmed? Don’t miss it!

College Admins Apologize to Students Upset Over Conservative Speaker By Katherine Timpf


Protecting students from views that make them uncomfortable on campus is really not going to do them any favors in the long run.

In a meeting last week at Middlebury College, administrators apologized to students who were upset that a conservative speaker had been invited to campus — and pledged to do more to prevent right-wing speakers in the future.

Audio of the meeting, which was obtained by The College Fix, features three administrators trying to calm students who were offended by the invitation of Ryszard Legutko, a conservative Polish politician whose views they described as homophobic and Islamophobic.

It’s important to note that Legutko’s planned April 17th speech had actually been canceled a few hours beforehand, with administrators citing “safety concerns,” and Legutko wound up simply giving a small, private talk in a political-science professor’s class instead. According to The Fix, it seems as though the students at the meeting did not know that this talk had occurred, because it had taken place the same time that afternoon as the meeting.

Obvious from the audio of the meeting, the fact that the college had essentially canceled Legutko’s appearance was not enough — the students believe that he should have never been invited in the first place.

“There is a distinct compromise of the students who felt marginalized on this campus or who put effort into this protest, or this combat effort, they feel like their academic freedom has been compromised because they are not capable of learning because their emotional state is so distraught or their emotional energy is just consumed by this,” one female student said.

Buttigieg Battles Mike Pence, or So He Imagines Mayor Pete picks a fight with a caricature of the vice president that he knows from experience is false. By Brian Anderson


Vice President Mike Pence and 2020 Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg have been embroiled in a notable fight over the past few weeks—“notable” mostly because the vice president hasn’t been involved.

Mr. Buttigieg went after Mr. Pence unprompted at the LGBTQ Victory Fund’s National Champagne Brunch April 7. Referring disparagingly to “the Mike Pences of the world,” the South Bend, Ind., mayor told the audience that the former governor has a “quarrel” with him because Mr. Buttigieg is gay.

Mr. Pence’s response? “I’ve known Mayor Pete for many years,” he told CNN. “I considered him a friend. He knows I don’t have a problem with him.”

For years, Democrats have engaged in these sorts of shadow-boxing matches against Mr. Pence, swinging their arms at a hateful caricature that doesn’t exist. To Republicans’ amusement, the vice president’s would-be adversaries have yet to get much of a rise out of him—and little wonder, he is one of the more polite and good-natured people in Washington. Yet the media eagerly cover these fights as if they were one-on-one, even though they’re one-on-zero.

When Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon last year criticized Mr. Pence’s alleged past support for conversion therapy, the New York Times published a headline: “Mike Pence Tangles With Olympian Adam Rippon Over Gay Rights Record.” In reality, Mr. Rippon’s comments seem to have come unprompted, and Mr. Pence responded by tweeting to Mr. Rippon: “I want you to know we are FOR YOU . . . I am proud of you.” That’s some tangle.