“The ultimate political positive deviant, of course, is Donald Trump. And, wow, has he been under siege. Basically, he has thrown a live grenade into the cesspit that is American politics. He and his ghastly Deplorables. He has pitched American politics a curve ball.”
Some years back a former colleague explained his theory of “positive deviants”. Simply put, a positive deviant is an employee or representative of an organisation who refuses to go along with the party line and who speaks truth to power within the organisation, and through some form of contact with the organisation’s stakeholders, especially its customers, saves the reputation of the organisation.
Here is how he discovered the theory. He was at the time living in New Zealand, and as a visitor was having trouble arranging health insurance for his family. He tried repeatedly to get people at health insurers’ call centres to clarify complex systems, explain options and provide basic assistance. To no avail. After a time he figured out a solution. He began to cut off the call centre folks mid-conversation and, using call centre shortcuts, keep trying different people till he found someone who would offer him practical help – solutions even – sympathetically acknowledge his frustrations and, above all, stop simply spouting the company line. And really, really annoying him.
He concluded that about one in four employees was actually interested in customer service and not merely in getting rid of difficult complainants – “managing them” – and so making life easy for “company policy”.
Anyone who has suffered from CCHC (call centre hatred complex) – and who hasn’t? – will relate to this story. But my friend went further. He concluded that these oddball helpful employees who bucked standardised behaviour actually saved companies from the wrath of their customers and helped them to survive. Absent positive deviants, many an organisation would go bust amid a welter of seething malcontents.