Former Vice President Joe Biden seems quite content to run for the presidency from the depths of his home basement. Maybe that’s not so surprising, given recent indications that he no longer actually controls his presidential campaign.
Sadly, even with the help of a Teleprompter, Biden seems incapable of speaking these days without losing track, going wildly astray and muttering nonsense as he tosses one word salad after another.
Two recent examples stand out.
Queried in late April by a Miami TV newsman about his son Hunter’s highly questionable and possibly illegal business dealings with Ukraine, Obama’s former No. 2 responded: “My son’s business dealings were not anything where everybody that he’s talking about, not even remotely, number one.”
That’s an exact transcription. Go ahead. Make sense of it.
Just weeks earlier, speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” he had this to say about the COVID-19 pandemic:
“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and elections, and at the same time correct the public health.”
We’re not poking fun here. This may or may not be incipient signs of senility or a more serious medical condition in someone who is, after all, now nearing 78 years old.