Cargo ritual, or cargo cult, is a religious practice whereby relatively primitive societies attempt to conjure up modern technology or lifestyle advancements through ritualistic behavior. Classic examples include the building of an airplane runway in the hopes of materializing the kind of cargo that airplanes bring, or building radios out of coconuts and straw.
The Democratic Party has been running a cargo cult for some decades. It is placing a bet that its latest savior figure, Sleepy Joe Biden, albeit an empty senile shell of a cult leader, can do it again and fool the people—one more time. As Biden is wont to say, “C’mon man.”
During World War II, Americans landed their huge aircraft, big bombers and fighters, all over the Pacific islands of Melanesia. The local natives came to love “Joe From,” (a.k.a. G. I. Joe from somewhere stateside). The planes would drop their goods, i.e., cargo, and the people got stuff like free soft drinks, canned Spam, chewing gum, and candy bars. They became totally addicted to it.
But then the war ended, and the planes stopped arriving.
Ignorant as to why, the islanders built their own bamboo and wooden planes, many life-sized, beckoning the return of yet more cargo. It didn’t cause them to come.