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August 2020

Grenell Torches ‘Unlimited Globalization’ that ‘Hollowed Out’ U.S. John Binder


Richard Grenell, the former Acting Director of National Intelligence and former United States Ambassador to Germany, torched “unlimited globalization” and it’s devastating impact on America’s working and middle class during his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

“No candidate [in the Republican presidential primary in 2015] could bring themselves to admit that something had gone badly wrong with American foreign policy. That the American voter, the American soldier, and the American taxpayer had all been let down,” Grenell said. “Except for one – Donald Trump.” Grenell went on to say:

After the end of the Cold War, Democrats and Republicans in Washington bought into the illusion that the whole world would start to resemble America. And so they started to pursue unlimited globalization. They welcomed China into the World Trade Organization … but they didn’t ground any of it in the interests of the average American.

Grenell added:

So for decades, while Washington politicians built a global system, American wages stagnated. Our great cities and industries were hollowed out. Entire communities were devasted, and our manufacturing plants were shipped off to China. That’s what happened when Washington stopped being the capital of the United States, and started being the capital of the world.

DNC vs RNC Compare and contrast what the two conventions are saying Charles Lipson


What’s the bottom line, so far?
Democrats think they will win by making the race a referendum on Donald Trump (more the person than the policies, though they hate both). They are effectively trying to run Joe Biden as a generic Democrat.
Republicans think the path to victory is to make the race a choice, Trump versus Biden, and to say Biden is unable or unwilling to stop the far-left in his party. Drawing a sharp contrast between the two parties was the whole point of Vice President Mike Pence’s speech to conclude the convention’s third night. For the most part, though, Republicans focused on the positive case for Trump, not the negative one for Biden. They featured lots of everyday Americans who said they had been helped by Trump’s policies, sometimes adding that he had reached out to them personally.
The Democrats made a very strong negative case, devoting almost their entire convention to attacks on Trump, leavened by their depiction of Joe Biden as a genuinely decent guy. Their policies got very little attention.
The parties did agree on one thing: the differences between them are stark. Both make a convincing case that this is the most consequential election in decades.