Come on man! Do the right thing and ensure your legacy. You know you’ve been had by the fraudsters.
You know that you were chosen as the non-Bernie and as a patsy for Obama’s third term. It’s clear. When he ran for office his fixers leaked stories about marital assaults and other dirt to clear his path to the White House.
If you and your Obama rerun Cabinet are confirmed, big knives will come out for you.
First of all, those who are convinced that the elections were stolen will keep up the fight to investigate and find evidence. There is smoke there- after Ohio and Florida were called for Trump, his victory seemed ineluctable and your minions went into high gear to change the outcome. We’ll find the fire.
By then the media will train its sights on you to implement the party’s goal of dumping you. Did you not get a taste of this when they made a kerfuffle about your wife’s doctorate? One prominent Never Trumper called her thesis “garbage.” Can you just hear Saturday Night Live reading portions of it? You can’t want that. She’s loyal to you unlike the Democrat party.
Second, a whole new round of aggrieved women will tell lurid stories of your inappropriate advances. All lies. Remember the humiliation of Justice Kavanaugh?
Then there is your involvement in the Ukraine and China and your son’s cupidity. Look out! Whistleblowers will emerge from the corrupt agencies who will give all sort of hearsay evidence of your turpitude. Trust me! The New York Times and CNN will declare that you need intervention.
There will be hurtful descriptions of your mental failings. All these insinuations will come from the very sources that made a puppet out of you. You can stop them.
Concede! Renounce and demand that fraud be investigated. That will mark your legacy as a hero who stopped the election heist of 2020 and forever damn those who cynically manipulated you in order to regain their own power.
Or would you rather be a chump?