I’m rubbing my eyes more and more these days. This could get interesting. Stephen Kruiser


It’s tough to watch this most spectacularly awful presidency play out in front of us every day. Joe Biden and his handlers don’t move goal posts anymore, they just keep lowering the bar and still not clearing it. The drooling husk in the White House has deteriorated so much that his puppet masters are afraid to let him face a press corps that’s a thousand percent in the bag for him. When they do let the Babbler in Chief near a camera, things get a bit…weird.

Again, those of us who never wanted things this way are left to retrace how we got here, reliving the historical horror that was November, 2020, when four hundred and eleventy kajillion billion people voted for this guy. No, really, social media says it’s true!

There are things that happened in the last election that are cause for legitimate concern. We’re still referring to them as irregularities for a variety of reasons that we don’t need to go into right now. The House just passed HR 1, which they’re laughably calling the the “For the People Act.” This monstrosity takes everything that made us nervous about the 2020 presidential election and puts it on federal steroids.

Former Vice President Mike Pence has some extreme misgivings about the bill, which Bronson Stocking wrote about at our sister site Townhall yesterday:

Pence pointed out that a great number “of the most troubling voting irregularities” occurred in states where governors, secretaries of state and the courts made changes to state election laws. And now, HR 1, a sweeping 800-page election overhaul bill proposed by Democrats, seeks to turn many of those reckless changes into federal election law.

“While legislators in many states have begun work on election reform to restore public confidence in state elections, unfortunately, congressional Democrats have chosen to sweep those valid concerns and reforms aside and to push forward a brazen attempt to nationalize elections in blatant disregard of the U.S. Constitution,” warned Pence.

“[HR 1] would force states to adopt universal mail-in ballots, early voting, same-day voter registration, online voter registration, and automatic voter registration for any individual listed in state and federal government databases, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles and welfare offices, ensuring duplicate registrations and that millions of illegal immigrants are quickly registered to vote,” Pence continued.

This is a dangerous, naked federal power grab that would put quite a few nails in the coffin of the good old Republic. It would also make it nigh on impossible to clean up any of the very real messes that need to be dealt with. Dealt with at the state level, that is. HR 1 is like using a machete to close up a wound that needs a tourniquet. It’s not a cure, it’s an exacerbation of the problem.

The Democrats like to say this bill is about “expanding voting rights,” which is another component of their ongoing false narrative about voter suppression.

HR 1 is a perfect snapshot of the Democrats’ long-term, one-party-rule Soviet vision for the United States.

Hopefully, it won’t find much breathing room beyond the confines of the House:


Kill it indeed. Before it kills election integrity forever.




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