No Biden press conference leads to questions about transparency by Rob Crilly

When President Biden finally holds his first press conference as promised later this month, he will face questions about whether his delay undermines his administration’s promise of transparency.

Biden administration calls his new cage for kids a ‘decompression center’ by Tiana Lowe

California Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs1 By Gabe KaminskyA new bill in California would arbitrarily define “hate groups” and “hate speech,” resulting in Christians and conservatives being targeted.

Georgia Judge Eyes Unsealing 2020 Election Ballots In Fulton County To ‘Shed Light’ On The Truth

By Gabe Kaminsky

On the heels of The Washington Post correcting a Trump-Georgia call, a judge in Fulton County is inclined to unseal ballots from the 2020 election.

How Woke Whites Are Turning Minorities Into Republican Voters

Upper-class whites have alienated African Americans and Hispanics from the Democratic coalition. That’s why Democrats have gone berserk—they’re expecting to lose in 2022 and 2024. By Christopher Jacobs

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