Charles Jacobs–US Jewish Leaders between Wokeness and Antisemitism

One of America’s top Jewish leaders, Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) founder Charles Jacobs joins show host Andrew E. Harrod to discuss the state of Jewish-American leadership in the face of rising, multifaceted antisemitism.  Traditionally left-leaning politically, American Jewish communities have often thought of antisemitism as a phenomenon associated with Christian prejudice and extreme nationalism, like the European beliefs that facilated Nazi genocide in Europe during World War II.  By contrast, recent decades, particularly since Al Qaeda’s September 11, 2001, attacks, have witnessed rising Islamic and leftist antisemitism, with a focus on condemnation of the Jewish state of Israel.  Leftist political proclivities and intersectional alliances of Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), however, have prevented them from correctly analyzing today’s antisemitic threats.  Jacobs will discuss the ADL’s long-developing malaise and possible reforms in Jewish leadership, among other matters.

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