Diversity sounds great. That’s part of the problem. Today’s “diversity,” however, isn’t what it used to be. Rather than diverse experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives — that promote healthy group decisions and outcomes ‒ “diversity” has come to mean only race, ethnicity, and gender. Unfortunately, today’s “diversity” is replacing our long, and largely successful, journey towards equal opportunity. We have moved the goalposts to the end of a new field — a field where equal racial and gender outcomes determine the score. In this new world, “diversity” has become an end unto itself, undermining the purpose of our military: winning wars. Here is why it is so damaging.
Today’s diversity advocates measure organizational success by race/ethnicity and gender — factors that have nothing to do with performance or potential. Yet, they are influencing accessions, advancements, and promotions across the force. Prioritizing racial and gender goals clearly undermines the importance of performance and merit. Sadly, today’s military leaders are often downplaying talents, experience, and skills in favor of skin color and gender in their personnel decisions. The result is a less capable force with less capable leaders.
This new push for diversity also destroys trust. When merit and performance are downplayed in the name of quotas and goals, excellence is undermined.