The Democrats’ Definition Of Democracy Is Like The Marxist Definition Of Peace

‘The meaning of peace,” Karl Marx said, “is the absence of opposition to socialism.” To the Soviets, peace was the state in which resistance to their territorial and philosophical ambitions was not only futile, it was fatal. If Democrats were as straightforward as their philosophical consigliere, they would define democracy, which they refer to in worshipful tones, as the absence of any challenge to their political power. Given how that party has continually revealed its authoritarian core, there can be no other explanation.

We’ve argued before that the Democrats don’t want to govern under constitutional limits but instead rule without constraint, which can happen only when their power is unchallengeable. We could point to the current administration’s direct and proxy prosecutions of the previous president. Its effort to eliminate a threat to its agenda is without precedent in our country, primarily because in the past Americans avoided a never-ending cycle of persecution and prosecutorial paybacks in which political stability is undermined. We have a long tradition of primarily civil politics and the peaceful transition of power.

The criminalization of politics is only one iteration of the left’s doctrine that politics are war by other means, though. The Democrats, with in-kind aid from the media, are also trying to bully the Supreme Court into submission to their will. Their message to the Court’s conservative justices: Rule our way or we will harass you until you resign.

In this war with multiple fronts, the Democrats are attempting to establish a permanent majority through a direct assault on elections. We’re talking about far more than the “cabal” that was mobilized in 2020 to guarantee the presidency for Joe Biden.

The party is determined to federalize elections with rules that would ​​put our voting system in the hands of Deep State bureaucrats and political insiders rather than the locals we live among, and codify practices that are illegal in most of the country. This would end our political system as we’ve known it, with its crucial checks and balances, and eventually replace it with a Democratic Party dictatorship.

Sure, we’ll continue to hold elections, but like those in the Soviet Union/Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and other nations where the outcomes are rigged, there’ll be no doubt who will win.

At the same time, Democrats are determined to crack down on speech, providing them yet another weapon to crush dissent. The Democrat-media complex cancels, destroys, smears, divides, makes insane speeches, holds show trials, misinforms, disinforms and censors with a single goal in mind: to consolidate power that has no opposition.

Meanwhile, in our defund-the-police era, real crimes and riotous behavior go unpunished as a part of the progressives’ pursuit to create ever more chaos that can serve as an opportunity to seize greater power.

The left’s long march through our institutions, and now America’s corporate suites, only buttresses the Democrats’ work. They and the state-run media want conservatives, Republicans and libertarians to be reprogrammed, surely by force if necessary. They implicitly demand a full and unconditional surrender to their absolute rule. In time, that demand will be explicit.

Our Constitution was intended to confine government and restrict its power. Democrats see it as a not a gift from the founders but an obstacle to overcome on their way to setting up a “democracy” that will give them full control of government, and consequently every one of us.

During the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham furiously confronted his Democratic colleagues over their naked desire to amass power. “God,” he said, “I hope you never get it.” It was a righteous tirade every American needs to hear.

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