America’s Censorship Regime is in Congress’s Crosshairs: Ben Weingarten

Chilling revelations on the rise of feds’ Orwellian speech police

Imagine an America where the feds surge actual speech police wherever chatter on social media questions the integrity of the vote — speech police who then take to the airwaves to attack those making the claims.

If this sounds far-fetched, consider that last summer a national-security agency actually mulled the idea of deploying a “rapid response team” to local jurisdictions to help election officials fend off “mis-, dis- and mal-information”-related “threats,” including through communications — an idea one federal official called “fascinating.”

That revelation comes from a new report from the House Weaponization Subcommittee on little-known Homeland Security sub-agency Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency — which as readers know was the focus of my Congressional testimony in May as the linchpin of federal government-led speech policing.

I wrote about that report in today’s New York Post, detailing the ways in which through both oversight and legislation action, the Republican-led House is working to defund and dismantle the regime.

My column comes on the heels of an incredible July 4th ruling from Judge Terry Doughty out of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana.

The judge, who presides over Missouri v. Biden, the case that has blown the lid off the mass public-private surveillance and censorship regime under which Americans have been suffering, issued a temporary injunction on Independence Day freezing all federal government-led censorship efforts.

That ruling lends credence to the plaintiffs’ claims that the government violated the First Amendment “in a massive effort to suppress disfavored conservative speech,” as Judge Doughty put it.

I discussed that ruling and its implications on today’s “Mornings with Maria,” an appearance you can watch here.

I threaded the major points from his ruling on Twitter, which you can read by clicking here or below.

See my mega-thread on Judge Doughty’s ruling here.

During the appearance we also discussed the latest regarding Biden family corruption and cover-ups, touching on points I elaborated on in my Substack post yesterday “IRS Whistleblowers Exposed DOJ’s Biden Family Cover-Up. Who Will Expose the Crimes?

Happy belated Independence Day!

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