In 2023 we are on pace to complete over 600 live television and radio interviews.

Here’s just a sample of how hard we are working to defend YOU, the hard-working taxpayer from government waste, fraud, corruption and taxpayer abuse:

  1. NEO-GENDER INVESTIGATION: We launched our investigation into California Governor Gavin Newsom spending millions and encouraging K-12 students to Invent Their Own Gender!
  1. CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT CITATION: U.S. Senator Joni Ernst cited our oversight of the administrative state in her Make ‘Em Squeal Award — two-thirds of federal workers are literally phoning it in working from home.
  1. NIH FACT-CHECKING: We contributed context to a NewsGuard fact-check on third-party royalties paid to Dr. Fauci and 2,400 other scientists at the National Institutes of Health.
  1. NATIONAL INTERVIEWS ACROSS THE COUNTRY: Our auditors held public officials accountable in live interviews on local broadcast news: FOX17-Nashville, TN; CBS-Austin, TX; Good Day Maine-Portland, ME; NBC-Las Vegas, NV; and FOX45-Baltimore, MD.
  1. BREAKING NASHVILLE INVESTIGATION: In Nashville, our deputy policy director Rachel O’Brien broke the story of the city’s homeless division violating audit standards while spending tens of millions of dollars in the last two years.
  1. DIGGING INTO NATIONAL DEBT AND “CLUB FED”: We did live radio and television interviews on topics ranging from “The National Debt Is Our #1 National Security Threat” to “Club Fed” — the pay and perks of the federal bureaucracy.
  2. EPA FUNDING + JOE MANCHIN: National journalists cited our findings on topics ranging from “How Big Is Joe Manchin’s Social Security Check?” to “Most EPA Employees Really Don’t Want To Show Back Up To The Office.”
  3. COMING UP: And our auditors also contributed data and findings to journalists who will publish breaking investigations in next week’s national news.

… Stay tuned! 

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