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September 2023

The Democrat J6 Insurrection Hoax Keeps Getting Worse By Stephen Kruiser


The exact moment when the Democrats ramped up their efforts to turn the United States of America into a Third World banana republic may be difficult to pinpoint, but we know it happened around the time that they decided that January 6, 2021, would be their new holiest of holy days. Oh, they can pretend to be horrified about what they say went on that day, be we know that they privately chuckle at how they’ve been able to turn their false J6 narrative into a weapon to destroy their political opponents.

The formation of the J6 House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues saw the Democrats fully embrace kangaroo court justice and ever since then they’ve just been rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

With their ultra-slim majority in the House, Republicans have at least been able to slowly uncover information that the Democrats would have preferred to stay buried had they remained in charge.

We keep finding out the Trump-hating FBI may have been a little more, um, active than was first thought. Matt has some of the latest on that:

There’s a lot about the riot that Democrats simply don’t want us to know, and when we’ve managed to learn a few things that are, shall we say, not good for the preferred narrative, they get dismissed as conspiracy theories.

Some of the lingering questions about the riot are how many FBI agents and informants were embedded amongst the demonstrators and what role they played in instigating the violence. It’s long been suspected that there were several feds involved, but the true number may be much larger than we thought. In fact, according to a report from the New York Post, there were so many paid informants in the crowd that the House Judiciary Committee literally “lost track” of them and had to perform an audit to determine how many were there.

Democrats Discover A New ‘Threat To Democracy’ — The U.S Constitution


We’ve been cataloging how the left has taken to labeling every candidate it doesn’t like and every policy it opposes a “threat to democracy.” But even we were surprised to see the U.S. Constitution itself added to the list of these threats.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said over the weekend that: “The Constitution has some profoundly anti-democratic, which is to say anti-democracy components, like the Electoral College and the two senators per state, for example.”

Mind you, this aired on Sept. 15, just two days before Constitution Day, which this year marked the 236th anniversary of its signing.

O’Donnell was talking to Jamelle Bouie, a New York Timers columnist, who after nodding his head in agreement with O’Donnell, added that “I think we’ve witnessed over the last couple years especially with the attempt to overturn the election, the ways that the constitution, its rules, can actually be used against what Americans think identify as a Democracy.”

Bouie (and others on the left) has been singing this song for a while. Last year, at a conference sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania’s Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy (named after NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent), Bouie said “The threat to U.S. democracy is coming from inside the house. The Constitution itself is the problem.”

The Democrats’ Deal With the Devil The party struck a bargain in 2020 that put Biden and them in power. It will be harder this time. By Daniel Henninger


Readers of this column know that I give historic significance to February 2020, when Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn endorsed Joe Biden in the South Carolina presidential primary. It’s worth a review because that decision now haunts a Democratic Party said to be haunted by Mr. Biden’s “age.”

The existential threat to the Democratic establishment as the 2020 presidential primaries unfolded was Vermont’s socialist senator, Bernie Sanders. Coming off a big win in the Nevada caucuses, Sen. Sanders headed to South Carolina with a leading delegate count of 45—and momentum. The Democrats’ No. 2 vote-getter then wasn’t Joe Biden. It was, incredible to recall, Pete Buttigieg, holding 26 delegates after the voting in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. Mr. Biden was third, with 15 delegates after a poor showing in Nevada. Trailing was Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a progressive who lacked Bernie’s mysterious charisma.

The Clyburn endorsement, which sent a signal to the state’s black voters, boosted Mr. Biden to a 48.6% win in South Carolina. Bernie was second with 19.8%. Abetted by the moderate voters who were Rep. Clyburn’s target audience, Mr. Biden eked out a win in November. Nearly four years later, the party establishment that sent Mr. Biden toward the presidency is talking about sending him packing. A CNN poll says Nikki Haley would beat Mr. Biden today by 6 points, and the incumbent president is tied statistically with all the other non-Trump GOP candidates.

Let’s understand what happened back in South Carolina. One of literature’s great allegories is the story of Dr. Faustus, who in return for receiving great powers from the devil, agreed to let Mephistopheles come for his soul sometime in the future. By throwing the party behind Mr. Biden, Rep. Clyburn and the Democrats made a conscious Faustian bargain.

The conceit now, or euphemism, in every conversation or poll is that Mr. Biden is “too old.” As in the 25th Amendment’s capacity concerns. But the Biden inner circle knew in February 2020 that the former vice president was already on the brink of being “too old.” Thus the Delaware-basement campaign. But by committing to Mr. Biden, the Democrats got possession of the powers of the presidency for four years. They also got a passive president who held open the door for the largest outpouring of spending and regulation in generations.

Now that fellow on the other side of Faustian bargains has shown up to tell the Democrats their payment is due. After giving them four years of extraordinary power, he’s taking back Joe Biden. What lies ahead for the Biden-less party could be a hard slog.

Merrick Garland Ducks the Hunter Biden Questions The AG demonstrates why appointing a special counsel was a bad idea.


Shortly before the Trump Administration left office, Attorney General William Barr declined Republican calls to appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden. We agreed with him. As we warned, a special counsel can bury a case in secret for years, and an AG can duck questions by saying that’s the special counsel’s job.

Merrick Garland essentially made that point for us on Wednesday. In contentious testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, President Biden’s Attorney General wouldn’t even say whether he talked to U.S. Attorney-turned-special counsel David Weiss about Hunter’s case.

The answers Republicans seek, Mr. Garland suggested, will be addressed “in the public report that will be transmitted to the Congress.” Given that a special counsel’s report typically comes at the end of an investigation, that means that Congress and the American people aren’t likely to get these answers before the 2024 election.

Mr. Garland portrayed himself as independent of both the White House and the details of Mr. Weiss’s investigation. But he didn’t have to ask President Biden what he wanted. In May the President publicly signaled to prosecutors that there should be no indictments when he told MSNBC “my son has done nothing wrong.”