Joe Biden’s so-called “Successful and Effective Presidency” Victor Davis Hanson

So, we are assured by David Ignatius that Biden has had such “a successful and effective” presidency that he must now step down, deprive us of his genius, and rest upon his laurels?

All of Biden’s initiatives now poll below 50 percent. Biden himself struggles to poll above 40 percent. That is no surprise given his record of governance.

Candidate Biden by design had told illegal aliens to come into the U.S. during the 2020 campaign. And they immediately took him up on it. Nearly eight million have now swarmed in, without background checks, medical exams, COVID vaccinations and testing, or any examination at all. We will deal with that disaster for decades to come.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was appointed to lie that the border was secure, on the expectation that his erasure of it altogether would not be impeachable, given political realities. So egregious were the arriving numbers and annihilation of U.S. immigration law, that even Democrats and leftists in Chicago and New York now want illegal aliens to go back to Texas (but not to Mexico), as they de facto redraw the U.S. border on Texas’s northern state boundaries.

We don’t dare call the Biden invitation to eight million, “The Great Replacement Theory” of altering the demography to ensure future leftwing voters. “They,” however, boast of just that agenda with slogans and book titles like “The New Democratic Majority” and “Demography is Destiny.”

Look at the interest rate, the inflation rate, and the price of gas and diesel since Biden took office and the squeeze explains why he does not poll 40 percent confidence on the economy. Ditto crime. The administration smiles as Soros-elected prosecutors downgrade felonies to misdemeanors, and misdemeanors to nothingness. The embarrassing lunacy of defunding the police is now rarely mentioned because police forces nationwide have been virtually defunded and even the Biden people are not happy with the scary results.

Gas has nearly doubled since Biden took office. We are to hate gasoline, diesel, and natural gas, except before midterm and general elections. Then we are to drain our strategic reserves, beg the Saudis, the Venezuelans, the Iranians, and the Russians to pump what we despise to help the Biden team’s reelection efforts—a fact known to our enemies.

Net Zero green madness is destroying the U.S. automobile industry, at just the time when new technologies are creating eternal combustion engines that are never more efficient and never more clean burning.

Race relations are at a historic low. Proportional representation has devolved into reparatory admissions and hiring. African American elites demand “reparations” from a state that outlawed slavery, in which currently 27 percent of the residents were not born in the U.S. Oddly, the demands come at a time when leadership seems to ignore the unfortunate reality that black teens are committing violent crimes at five and six times their demographics. Smash-and-grab and carjacking are nearly exempt from arrest, apparently to be passed off as cry-of-the-heart political protests.

Joe Biden’s dismal record is only one-third of the Democrats’ problems.

Another third is the Biden consortium’s family corruption. The more the laptop reveals its secrets, the more Bobulinksi and Archer are joined by a chorus of accusing voices, the more defiant the IRS whistleblowers become, the more Ukrainian prosecutors and oligarchs wish to be heard, the more the Biden narratives collapse faster than their replacement untruths, the more subpoenas blanket the executive branch requesting bank records, the more the trove of pseudonymous incriminating emails are to be subpoenaed, the more the noose tightens around Hunter, and the more Democratic purple-state representatives and senators “defer comment,” the more leftwing columnists call for Joe to “retire,” all the more the idea of a “successful and effective president” seems a poor joke.

The final third of the Biden assessment centers on his frailty. He is no more hale than was FDR in late spring 1945, a scenario foreseen and feared by Democratic polls at the 1944 Democratic convention who wisely dropped Henry Wallace, his Vice President. His workdays are starting to resemble those of Woodrow Wilson’s circa 1919.

Joe must be led by the hand up to the stage and led down as carefully. Foreign leaders now assume it is their discreet responsibility that he does not stumble, fall, or get lost on their watch at summits.

What Joe says now is so beyond the pale that he has developed his own immunity against gaffes, given they are protected by the general agreement of cognitive failure. What he says is often taken no more seriously than what is heard at rest homes, given the similar deference and empathy given those who have lost their cognition.

All that is now the Biden record. Ignatius knows it as well as any. But out of deference, he focuses only on Biden’s physical and mental frailty. And why not? Was he supposed to write “For the good of the country—given your corruption and disastrous record—let us be done with you?”

So, Democrats cannot concede the reason that Biden and Harris both must not run, is not just because Biden’s compromised health will mean a Harris presidency, but more importantly because, first, his record is an utter disaster, a fact known through the polls, and second, he is one new incriminating email, one new Hunter indiscretion, one suddenly appearing bank deposit slip from leaving office involuntarily and in disgrace.

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