The Don Of The ‘Biden Crime Family’-Will Biden be Convicted Before Trump?

The evidence of President Joe Biden’s criminal activity continues to grow. As has often been said, the wheels of justice grind slowly, but we’d like to see them get in gear in time for voters to know that their president is a crook.

During testimony earlier this week before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski said “it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family.”

“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period.”

Simply put, Bobulinski said Joe has been the recognizable name that the Bidens sold to amass wealth that few Americans can conceive of.

“From China to Ukraine, the Biden crime family sold access to Joe Biden,” Bobulinksi said during an impeachment inquiry deposition.

He further revealed that “the Chinese Communist Party through its surrogate, China Energy Company Limited,” a business syndicate, infiltrated and compromised Joe Biden and the Obama-Biden White House.

Bobulinski’s testimony wasn’t another St. Valentine’s Day Massacre one day early, because it’s long been obvious that Joe was the family’s don. But it put a bold-faced exclamation point on what we’ve also long known – the Big Guy is corrupt. It also brought the issue before the public again, something that can’t happen nearly often enough in this election year.

It’s not only unsavory for elected officials to sell access to power and favors, it’s illegal. Government officials cannot accept bribes. Taking a bribe is an impeachable, and imprisonable, offense. For the Bidens, it seems to be a business model.

Biden has not been convicted yet of anything. There’s a process for trying accused offenders (and in Biden’s case it should include full participation from Special Counsel Robert Hur, who handled the document investigation of the president). But given Biden’s status in the Washington establishment, there will be no sense of urgency. So, yes, the process is going to drag out over an extended period, but that doesn’t mean that it cannot and should not begin as soon as possible.

Nor does Biden’s age and his failing memory mean that he shouldn’t be aggressively prosecuted. It appears that he has sold out his country for his personal and family benefit, a serious allegation backed by a growing ream of evidence that the voters need to be aware of. There’s no reason he shouldn’t get the same treatment that Donald Trump has gotten from Biden’s Justice Department, which has aggressively pursued the former president with the inquisitor’s zealotry exhibited by inspector Javert.

He won’t, of course. Because the Washington establishment doesn’t want voters to know he’s a crook.

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