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July 2024

Biden Pressures Israel Not to Respond After Terror Rocket Kills 12 Kids “US is leading diplomatic efforts to rein in an anticipated Israeli response”Daniel Greenfield


The Biden administration has its priorities.

After the latest Hezbollah rocket strike on a soccer field killed 12 kids in a Druze community in Israel’s Golan Heights, the administration is jumping into action to make sure the Israelis don’t actually fight back.

The US is leading diplomatic efforts to rein in an anticipated Israeli response to the deadly strike on the Golan.

“Rein in”.

This was the M.O. after the Iranian attack on Israel. It’s the M.O. in the Hamas war. And in every Islamic terrorist attack.

The media has tried to bury the 12 dead kids in favor of amping up worries that Israel attacking the Iranian-backed Hezbollah Islamic terrorist group will “set the Middle East on fire.” There are never any worries that an Islamic terrorist attack will set the region on fire. Only responses to Islamic terror attacks do that.

And that is why the terror attacks keep happening.

The Biden administration is looking for a diplomatic solution with Hezbollah which ought to continue working out as well as its pursuit of a diplomatic solution with Hamas and with Iran.

Kamala The Authoritarian Calls Election A ‘Fight For Freedom’


At her rallies, Vice President Kamala Harris has been portraying the November election as a “fight for freedom.” That’s right coming from someone who spent her entire career attacking freedom – like those enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

In Milwaukee last week, Harris started the crowd chanting “We’re not going back!” After going back and forth with the audience, Harris then says:

“And I’ll tell you why we’re not going back, because ours is a fight for the future. And it is a fight for freedom.”

What are the freedoms she’s talking about? She can only conjure up three.

“The sacred freedom to vote.”

“To live safe from the terror of gun violence”

And ….

“Reproductive freedom.”

It’s not just that this list is so crabbed, it’s what lies underneath each of these “freedoms” that is truly revealing.

”Freedom to vote.” What Harris really means is “freedom to cheat” because Harris equates any attempt to prevent election fraud with disenfranchising voters.