Clips Of Harris Talking Are The New ‘Cheap Fakes’

Credit where due, the New York Times published a report on Monday noting that Kamala Harris has a lot of far-left baggage that she will be struggling with now that the Democratic Party has anointed her as its presidential candidate.

Indeed, she does. And there are reams of videos showcasing her extremist views across the board, fracking, defunding police, abortion, amnesty for illegals, socializing medicine.

But then the Times manages to sabotage its own reporting with this line: “video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical who is out of step with swing voters.” (emphasis added)

Seriously? Showing video clips of Harris when she last ran for president constitutes “weaponizing” them?

This is from the same people who routinely misquote Donald Trump, make up quotes entirely, or try to spin something Trump said as a joke into a national crisis.

In any case, Republicans aren’t weaponizing anything. They are just doing what reporters should be doing, but won’t – informing the public about a person who completely flamed out in her first run for president and whom Biden picked as running mate solely to meet his self-imposed quota.

In a normal presidential campaign, pressing a candidate to justify, defend, or explain away previously expressed views is precisely what the press would do. They’re doing that right now to J.D. Vance.

So, does Harris still want to ban fracking? If not, why not? Does she want to ban private insurance? Does she still think it’s appropriate to laugh about constitutional limits on presidential powers? What changed her mind? And, if she’s changed her position on all these issues for political expediency, why should voters trust that she won’t do so again if elected?

But, then again, Harris is a Democrat, so instead of vetting her, the media feel compelled to act like the political equivalent of Secret Service bodyguards, throwing their own reputations in front of Harris to protect her from harm.

Thankfully, voters have other ways of getting information than the New York Times, which is something the Times’ reporter tacitly admits when he quotes Brad Todd, a Republican strategist and ad maker, saying: “The archive is deep. We will run out of time before we run out of video clips of Kamala Harris saying wacky California liberal things.”

The Times goes on to say that “the Harris campaign will rebut most of Republicans’ attacks by arguing that they are exaggerating or lying about her record.”

In other words, showing Kamala saying outrageous things will be dismissed by the campaign as cheap fakes, just as the White House dismissed video clips of Biden’s zombie-like actions as cheap fakes before his career-ending debate.

You can bet the rest of the media, including the Times itself, will obediently fall in line behind that bit of propaganda. By dismissing these clips as “weaponized” or “cheap fakes” or “exaggerations,” the press won’t have to bother asking Harris about them at all.

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