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July 2024

Biden, Trump Knotted In July Poll, But Debate Disaster Could Lead To Big Shift: I&I/TIPP Poll


Following President Joe Biden’s abysmal performance in the June 27 debate with former President Donald Trump, you might think he would suffer a crash in his support for re-election. Even the media describe the Democratic Party’s response to Biden’s poor showing as “panic.” Will voters abandon Biden? They haven’t yet, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but signs of trouble loom.

The national online I&I/TIPP Poll, answered by 1,244 registered voters from June 26-28, includes last Thursday’s debate night. So the final day of the poll reflects that information. Did it have an impact?

Where Is Sinwar Hiding? Report: Just Two or Three People Know The terror leader is still hoping for a Middle East in flames. P. David Hornik


A report on Israel’s ynet (Hebrew)—drawing on a report in Asharq al-Awsat, an Arabic newspaper published in London—cites Hamas members both inside and outside Gaza who say the organization’s leader, Yahya Sinwar, is updated all the time on the ongoing Gaza war.

“[Sinwar’s] ability to stay hidden, alongside Israel’s inability to reach him, does not mean he lacks communication with [other Hamas leaders]”—including those outside of Gaza, primarily in Qatar.

Sinwar “remains updated especially on the negotiations [for a hostage deal], and looks into every initiative, ponders it, and gives his judgment.” 

The Hamas members further told the paper that only “a very small circle knows [Sinwar’s] location. No more than two or three people who provide for his needs and handle his communication with other [Hamas] leaders.”

Is it true, as widely speculated, that Sinwar has surrounded himself with Israeli hostages to keep himself safe? Is Israel’s failure to reach him due to concerns about those hostages, or to the fact that the Israeli (and American? British?) intelligence agencies have lost sight of his whereabouts?

Why Are Hamas’s Crimes Ignored by Western Media? by Bassam Tawil


The Palestinian Authority and other Arab governments have been reminded in recent days of the reasons why entering the Gaza Strip after the war would be risky, if not impossible…

According to reports from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has murdered a number of Palestinians who it believed had indicated willingness to be part of a new government that would replace the terrorist group after the war.

Hamas, apparently, does not want food or medication to reach the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, particularly not via Israeli border crossings. This situation is most likely caused by Hamas’s desire to prolong and aggravate the suffering of the Palestinians and create a “famine” so it can place the blame on Israel.

“Why is the media ignoring what is going on in central and southern Gaza? Hamas is assassinating Gazans, particularly tribe leaders, in order to deter anyone other than Hamas from delivering humanitarian relief and participating in Gaza.” — Hamza Howidy, Palestinian social media influencer from the Gaza Strip, x.com, June 26, 2024.

Until the international community – and particularly the Biden administration – fully support Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas, unfortunately there can be no real discussion of “the day after” in the Gaza Strip.

Israel… will not be the only party to benefit from Hamas’s demise. A large number of Arabs and Muslims who oppose Hamas and other Iran-backed Islamist groups will also benefit, even though it is “politically incorrect” and immensely dangerous to say so.

In reality, those advocating for a “ceasefire” are asking for Hamas to be allowed to continue ruling the Gaza Strip, rearming, and gearing up to attack Israel — in their words, “again and again.”

A ceasefire will only ignite an immediate increase in terrorist attacks against Israel. Worse, Islamists worldwide will be incentivized to launch attacks not only against Israel but also against Europe. Islamists have already attacked US troops in the Middle East more than 150 times in the region since Oct 7.

By exposing the crimes of Hamas against its own people and raising awareness of these threats — instead of helping the terrorists cover them up — the international media can actually help to protect their own countries against steadily increasing terrorism. At the moment, terrorists over the world can only see their efforts as victorious, glorified and rewarded.

Guy Sorman Anti-Semitism and the French Elections As the July 7 vote approaches, an old specter returns.


When President Emmanuel Macron called for a new election in the National Assembly—a first round June 30 and a second and final round July 7—no one thought that anti-Semitism would become a central subject of political debate. In principle, what is at stake is the reconstitution, or not, of a parliamentary majority with which Macron might govern. But in fact nothing is happening the way the president expected. Instead of two traditionally opposed camps, one for the president and the other against, we have seen the emergence, in the first round, of three blocs, each somewhat heterogeneous. On the far right, the Rassemblement national (National Rally), led by eternal presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, is now allied with a center-right party, formerly Gaullist. Le Pen advances a conservative program, but one quite distinct from the flamboyantly xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant appeals characteristic of past campaigns of her father and founder of the party, Jean Marie Le Pen. On the left, an alliance of convenience, hastily composed, has come together that includes Communists, Trotskyites, ecologists, and social democrats, under the name New Popular Front, evoking the anti-fascist Left of the 1930s. In the center is a collection of conservative, liberal, and moderate candidates that could form the core of a new presidential majority for Macron. The second round will decide it: probably none of these three blocs will be able to rule alone, compelling Macron to build case-by-case alliances in order to manage domestic and international affairs. All parties agree to support NATO, the European Union, and Ukraine: some are more enthusiastic than others.

On top of all this, however, we find a surprising intruder: a resurgent anti-Semitism.

Heather Mac Donald Poetic Justice Ancient philosophers and tragedians would have understood the human folly—from the media, the president, and his party—that led to last week’s debate debacle.


A day before Thursday’s presidential debate, the New York Times ran a front-page story in its print edition railing against the posting of unflattering videos of Joe Biden. Among the president’s many “adversaries,” observed the Times, was the “distorted, online version of himself, a product of often misleading videos that play into and reinforce voters’ longstanding concerns about his age and abilities.”

Such voter concerns were misguided, according to the Times and its sources. Former Illinois representative Adam Kinzinger told the paper: “If you see those [videos] and that’s all you see, you’re going to walk away thinking there’s something wrong, like something’s going on.”

The public was simply too credulous, according to the Times. A pollster complained that “people that already are concerned about his age are quick to accept what they see in the video, and not question whether that’s selectively edited.”

The Times ended its story on an upbeat note. “People are going to see actual footage [during the debate] that contradicts that [cognitive decline narrative],” said the digital director for President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. “They’re going to be pleasantly surprised and constantly be reminded that the president is in a lot hardier shape than they’ve been told.”

Oops. It turns out that nothing prepared viewers for the debacle that was Biden’s debate performance. The mainstream media cannot blame selective editing for the impression that Biden lacks the mental acuity to function another four years in the White House. That impression was generated from 90 minutes of live broadcast.

And now the Times and other media outlets have revised their history. It turns out they had their doubts all along! In an editorial calling for Biden to withdraw from the presidential race, the Times admits that the president’s catastrophic performance on Thursday night “affirmed concerns that have been mounting for months or even years.” Biden understood, according to the Times, that “he needed to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity and that he needed to do so as soon as possible.” Now they tell us!

Turkey refuses to refuel Israeli plane after emergency landing


Human rights lawyer calls incident “outrageous, gross violation” of international law.

Turkish authorities refused to allow an Israeli plane to refuel in order to reach its final destination after it made an emergency landing in Antalya, likely violating international aviation law and effectively trapping the plane on Turkish soil for hours.

The drama began when a passenger suffered a medical emergency aboard an El Al flight bound for Tel Aviv, which had departed from Warsaw, Poland on Sunday morning.

“After consulting with the doctor who treated the passenger on the plane, it was decided that it should land urgently in order to evacuate the passenger to the hospital as soon as possible,” El Al said in a statement.

Because the passenger needed immediate medical attention, the plane was forced to divert and make a landing at the nearest airport, Antalya Airport in southwest Turkey.

But despite receiving permission for the landing, it was clear that Turkish authorities saw the arrival of the El Al plane as an opportunity to lash out against Israel.

Turkish airport authorities refused to allow the plane to refuel, when it needed to do so in order to continue to Tel Aviv.

Passengers were not given permission to leave the plane, and were forced to sit for hours on the tarmac while the El Al captain and crew attempted to obtain fuel for the flight.

A robust SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity Where does President Trump’s behavior fit on the schema laid out by the Court? That’s for the DC district court to consider Roger Kimball


All is unfolding as I have foreseen. Yesterday, reviewing last week’s Supreme Court decisions and indulging in a little well-earned Schadenfreude over Thursday’s scenes from the geriatric dementia ward, I noted that what SCOTUS would probably issue its final opinion of the season, on the question of presidential immunity.

So it turned out to be. This morning, “Trump v. United States” dropped. For the first time, the Court pondered the question, “Does a president have immunity from prosecution?” or, to use the language of the opinion, “Whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”

The answer was more or less what I predicted. I wrote that, while no one outside the hallowed halls of the Court really knew how the Court would come down on the issue, “most observers expect the Supremes to recognize immunity for ‘official acts’ but to remand to the lower court the vexed question of what counts as an ‘official’ and therefore protected act.” 

That is precisely how the Court decided, 6-3 (Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Jackson dissenting), though in fact the opinion was even more robustly phrased than I could have hoped. “Under our constitutional structure of separated powers,” the Syllabus of the opinion reads, “the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” The one caveat was this: “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.” 

Anti-Israel Rioters Block Pride Parade in New York City, Vandalize Floats By Eric Lendrum


In one of the final celebrations of “pride month” in New York City on Sunday, a clash broke out between the pro-gay parade participants and anti-Israel rioters who blocked the parade route and vandalized several floats.

As reported by Fox News, the rioters could be seen sitting in the street to block the progression of the parade, chanting various anti-Semitic slogans such as “Free Palestine” and “from the river to the sea.” Several of them could be seen using spray-paint to vandalize floats, while others climbed over barricades and threw fake blood at the displays. Dozens of rioters were ultimately arrested by police, who used zip-ties to handcuff them.

“It is certainly a more active presence this year in terms of protest at Pride events,” said Sandra Perez, executive director of NYC Pride. “But we were born out of a protest.”

This year’s pride demonstration was the 54th annual parade in New York City, with the very first one taking place in 1970. This year’s pride theme was “reflect, empower, unite.”

This year’s “pride month” saw a high number of protests and riots against various pride demonstrations carried out almost exclusively by anti-Israel agitators, who have been protesting and rioting across the country ever since the October 7th terrorist attacks against Israel by Hamas.

Hamas Lovers Gonna Hate Nurturing an ancient, visceral, ugly emotion. by Alan Joseph Bauer


Antisemitism is a deep-seated hatred of Jews. Facts don’t stand a chance against this ancient, visceral emotion.

The attack against Jews in front of a synagogue in Los Angeles has been well-documented. I always stand in amazement how much Jew-haters need to justify their actions instead of just saying that they hate Jews and want to kill them. A few days after the melee, I heard the most disingenuous explanation as to why the pro-Hamas crowd attacked Jews in the City of Angels. There was a seminar at the Adas Torah synagogue on how to invest in real estate in Israel. Since Israel had “stolen” Palestinian land and gotten rid of its legitimate owners, it was now giving advice on how to make money on this pirated land. Did you get all of that? A simple real estate seminar trying to explain the ins and outs of trying to make money in Israel’s crazy real estate market was now transmogrified into a secret seminar on how to fence stolen property. Again, everyone needs to sleep, and these lovers of rapists and child decapitators had to come up with this contortion to justify their pummeling Jews in a very Jewish neighborhood of LA.

Jew hatred or in its more sterilized name, antisemitism, is a deep-seated revulsion of Jews. The reasons can be no reason at all to religious issues or feeling that the Jews are too rich or Israel is evil, etc. Our son just came back from Cyprus. Turkey a more than a third of Cyprus and has held it for 50 years. Have you heard anyone on campus screaming that Turkey must get out of northern Cyprus? Any recent UN resolutions that I missed? Of course not. Jew-hatred is the starting point and the next stop is to retroactively find supposed reasons—again, to allow for a clean conscience—for hating Israel and/or the Jews. But let’s look at Israel: what is the Jewish claim to the Jewish state?

One could certainly start with ancient times. A religious person would point to the holy texts that explicitly describe the sons and daughters of Abraham entering the Land of Israel and conquering it, holding it and eventually losing it. But let’s say that one does not buy into the religious texts. Well, there are historical documents such as the writings of Josephus on the destruction of the ancient kingdom of Israel, the sacking of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple and the taking of the Jews back to Rome. The images of the menorah and conquered Jews on the Titus Arch in Rome would sum it all up pretty well. So, the Jews have a very long relationship with the land where the state of Israel sits today. Additionally, a large number of archaeological finds of clear Jewish association (Hebrew stamps, menorahs on coins, religious documents) show Jewish presence in what today is modern Israel. Many such items have been found in and around the City of David in Jerusalem.

What Was Missing from the Debate Clashing personalities and verbal jousting aren’t enough. by Bruce Thornton


Even at their best, presidential debates are glorified dog-and-pony shows. Voters always say they want a serious policy debate, but such discussions involve technical information, statistical data, and complex explanations, all of which a majority of people find tedious. They much prefer emotion, clashing personalities, drama, humor, flubs, gaffes, and, as Donald Trump has shown since 2016, street-fighting elan.

Those limitations are good for entertainment and marketing, rather than informing voters, the default purpose of these verbal jousts, which reduces their political utility.

Last week’s debate illustrated this flaw, especially the insult battles between Trump and Biden. The moderators’ questions covered the issues that concern voters and regularly show up in polls, such as illegal border-crossings and inflation. But the dueling narratives mostly comprise attacks on each other, rather than presenting specific policies.

Trump, however, had the advantage in that bout despite his trademark hyperbole, given his first-term successes on both fronts, compared to Biden’s surreal lies, incoherence, and obviously addled condition, not to mention his sorry record of exacerbating those very problems.

But especially on the economy, we didn’t hear the more detailed information needed in order to break through the partisan rancor and spin, and get closer to the facts. For example, a few days before the debate, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial about the Democrat’s “Tax Armageddon” scheme for undoing Trump’s 2017 tax reforms: “Democrats are saying out loud that they plan to use the scheduled expiration of the 2017 tax cuts at the end of 2025 to insist on the largest tax increase in history.”