Climate Indoctrination Accelerates As The Narrative Breaks Down

The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole.

Following the get-’em-while-they’re-young school of thought, the climate agitators are targeting kindergarteners. NASA’s Climate Kids webpage, for instance, says “global warming will affect everyone on Earth.” While admitting that “fossil fuels have changed the course of human history,” NASA also says “these good things come at a cost. The cost is pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground. Global warming will be the biggest problem of all.”

On another of the “Kids” pages, NASA claims that in an era of “rising” global temperatures, “almost all climate scientists agree that a big cause of that is the burning of fossil fuels. The warming could lead to rising sea levels, droughts, flooding, and more severe weather. It is a challenge that we will have to deal with in the coming years.”

Remember, this proselytizing is intended to program kindergarteners. And it’s only the beginning. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is also dedicated to “educating” kids about “human-induced climate change” and making sure that they are afraid to burn fossil fuels.

This is the same NOAA that, according to the Daily Caller, “House Republicans are pressing … for answers about a signature dataset frequently cited as evidence that climate change is intensifying.”

“The lack of updated, comprehensive data,” says the congressional letter sent to NOAA, “raises considerable concern given that these reports have been cited by both Congress and the president as the justification for different federal government actions concerning climate change.”

Meanwhile, older students are also tagged for conditioning. The Aspen Institute has introduced a Higher Ed Climate Action Plan, which is aimed at unlocking “the power of education as a force for climate action and solutions,” and is sure to note that “since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.” It refers throughout to the “risks” and “threats” that are caused by the “main driver.”

The College Fix reports that a number of “universities have already begun implementing ‘climate education’ into their curricula.”

Even higher up the education chain we have Lisa DelBuono, founder and president of Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action, insisting that climate change courses should be “mandatory” in medical schools. Already more than half of medical schools require climate change curriculum, says the College Fix, that portion rising from 21% in 2019 to 55% in 2021.

While the warming charlatans work feverishly on their global con, the planet refuses to play along. Consider:

  • Rather than being “swallowed by an ever-expanding Sahara, with desertification” posing “the ‘greatest environmental’ challenge of our time,” Earth is actually turning greener. Of course this has the alarmist community making an on-the-fly adjustment, telling us that a carbon dioxide rich environment that produces the greening will harm desert plants and animals, and warning that “the extra vegetation may soak up scarce water supplies.”
  • New Scientist reported last month that “part of the Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why.” “The shift from hot to cool temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean has happened at record speed.” So tell us again about the “boiling seas” and the warming that could push the Atlantic past a “tipping point” in this century, all due to man’s fossil fuel habit.
  • What is happening in the Atlantic is not an isolated event. The Daily Sceptic says “surface ocean temperatures are plunging rapidly around the world with scientists reported to be puzzled at the speed of the recent decline.” The Sceptic has the data to back up the claim, and in a line so clever we wish we had written it, editor Chris Morrison adds that “less puzzlement was to be found when the oceans were ‘boiling’ during the last two years.”
  • The Atlantic hurricane season “has been strangely inactive,” though “all of the forecasts for the season were for well-above-normal activity, with the possibility of 17-25 named storms,” says the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences. Odd, since man-made global warming was surely going to cause a “proliferation of hurricanes,” because, well, the warmists said so.
  • Roughly four of every five temperature stations in the British Met Office’s network is “junk.” There are only nine stations within the network that record acceptable data. Anyone who thinks the temperature record is dependable, who gives one bit of credence to reports of the “warmest (fill in the blank) ever” is being foolish.
  • Our federal government says “tree ring data have been used to reconstruct drought or temperature in North America and Europe over the past 2,000 years.” But do the data reconstruct an accurate record? Is their “story” proof we’re suffering through a climate emergency? Ars Technica reported a decade ago that even as “researchers draw conclusions from data sets like these tree ring temperature reconstructions, they also understand that the data are imperfect and are constantly trying to ferret out those imperfections.” Despite the doubts, which still exist, we’re expected to fully buy into the “science” that is in reality politics.

As we’ve always said, we’re willing to concede that man is overheating Earth through his fossil fuel combustion if the evidence should ever become so strong we could no longer be skeptics. But that possibility seems more remote with every passing day.

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