Current Events from Israel Rabbi Ben Packer***

As rural philosopher Dr. Gary Allan melodically lamented back in 2005: “Life ain’t always beautiful. Sometimes it’s just plain hard. Life can knock you down, it can break your heart”. He subsequently encourages us by crooning: “But the struggles make me stronger. And the changes make me wise. And happiness has its own way of takin’ its sweet time”. This song basically describes this past week in Israel.

After the dramatic, still clouded in much secrecy, rescue of an Israeli-Arab hostage last week from a tunnel in Gaza, the first of its kind, many were hoping for more such rescues in the near future. Very unfortunately, this week as Israeli soldiers approached a tunnel where hostages were being held, the terrorists, following general orders from Hamas leadership, executed all six hostages at point blank range and fled. IDF personnel found the bodies about 2 days later. They were recovered, returned to Israel and identified. One of those killed was Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, hy’d. Sadness enveloped the Jewish/civilized world. Although there were certainly some on US college campuses who were undoubtedly elated by the news.

After over ten months of captivity and on the brink of rescue, terrible tragedy. Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly declared that military action will lead to the release of the hostages, either through rescue or an acceptable agreement. The Israeli left has accused him of being disingenuous and has demanded a deal with Hamas at virtually any price. As a result of the loss of the 6 hostages, the left has taken to the streets to protest. But it really has nothing to do with the hostages and everything to do with wanting a different government coalition. Towards this goal, the head of the Histadrut (National Labor Union) declared a nationwide strike as a form of protest, which is clearly against their mandate. An Israeli court acknowledged this and ordered an end to the strike after a few hours. Of course the media is all in as well. As some French person once originally said (presumably in French), but was later popularized by American rural musical icon, Kenny Chesney (in English): “The more things change, the more they stay the same”.

In short, Prime Minister Netanyahu is feeling pressure to show some accomplishments. Even President Biden is taking shots at him from the senile beach. The government coalition is quite stable, so politically Netanyahu is in no danger at all, but democracy only counts for so much in the Middle East.

Up North
The same. Hezbollah shoots, Israel assassinates terrorists involved in the shooting. Repeat.

Judea and Samaria
This is where the big action was this week. It’s not at all surprising, since Khaled Mashal, one of the “political” terrorist leaders of Hamas, threatened exactly this recently while visiting Turkey – a NATO member. Yes, a member of NATO hosts people who threatened suicide bombings and other forms of terror. Insane.

Anyway, Israeli’s forces continued the operation to root out terror elements that started last week. This week the head of Hamas in Jenin was eliminated, along with dozens of other terrorists throughout Judea and Samaria. While these successful missions were taking place, terrorists attempted at least 3 car bombings. Two of the cars were found before they could explode and a third exploded with the driver inside at an empty gas station in Sabbath-observant Gush Etzion on Shabbos night. The driver exited the burning vehicle, attacked the responding soldiers and was eliminated. At the exact same time as that incident, there was an infiltration by terrorists into a nearby community. The terrorists did successfully enter the community, but were quickly eliminated by security forces. There were no injuries in any of the car bombings!

A few days later and a bit farther down the road to the south, a terrorist opened fire on a car carrying three Israeli police people. All three police officers were killed. The terrorist was hunted down to a house in Hevron and eliminated. He had been a member of the presidential guard for the Palestinian Authority and been trained by the United States military. Probably not the best investment of US taxpayer money…

As part of the widespread operation currently continuing, primarily in the northern Shomron, Israeli forces are constantly active. In addition to all the terrorists killed, many have been arrested and numerous explosives neutralized.

Hamas in Gaza has known from the beginning that the only chance they have for any future is rooted in assistance from Hezbollah in the north, Hamas cells in Israel and the weakness of the current US Administration. Until now the Hamas terror cells have been very ineffective and G-d willing this will continue to be the case.

British Arms Embargo
Apparently England has decided to stop selling muskets to Israel. Should be fine. Cheerio.

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