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September 2024

Liz Peek: A recession could be this election’s ‘October surprise’


Could a recession be the October surprise that changes the election outlook?  

It would be bad news for Kamala Harris. The economy, as always, is the top issue for voters, and a further jump in unemployment, which has already bounced up to 4.2 percent from 3.7 percent this year, would not help her chances of winning.  

It would certainly be a surprise, because investors and economists today are almost unanimous believing we are in for a “soft landing.” The betting is that the Federal Reserve will manage to bring interest rates down and continue the push to reduce inflation, all while avoiding a recession.

The problem is that that has almost never happened. 

Even ISI Evercore’s Ed Hyman, who has been warning of a downturn for more than a year, has thrown in the towel. Over the last couple of years, Hyman has been on the lookout for a recession, citing an inverted yield curve, declining leading indicators and, of course, rising interest rates.   

Hyman has been ranked the No.1 economist by Wall Street for 43 of the last 48 years. He has earned that astonishing distinction by being right more than wrong, and also by responding to incoming data by updating his forecasts. That is what he is doing now, and he is doing so reluctantly. 

Hyman recently wrote to clients: “History and experience say to stick with a hard landing outlook. However, the hard math that our team has reviewed says flip to a soft landing outlook.” But he doesn’t sound entirely convinced: “To say this is a difficult decision is an understatement. It feels like a bold moment to go soft landing.” 

Time to End Jew Hatred with Education Diane Bederman


The late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks declared:

  “To defend a land, you need an army. But to defend freedom, you need education.”  

We are coming up to the anniversary of the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. And just as we have heard Holocaust deniers, we now have Oct 7 deniers, and when not denying they are justifying the massacre-it’s resistance to Occupation!

Really? Well, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, Palestinian terrorist groups like the Green Hand, the Black Hand, and others, murdered Jews, officials from the British Mandatory government that controlled the area after World War I, and Arab critics.  That had nothing to do with Occupation or resistance – it has to do with innate, endemic, systemic Jew hatred.

The Jewish world began 1500 years before the Common Era. Islam entered the world in the 7th century CE in Saudi Arabia – not Israel – or the name Rome gave to the land Philistia-now translated to Palestine. So, how is it that Jews living on the land more than 1500 years before Muslims are the occupiers? Seems to me this is the result of the New Math and innate, systemic, endemic Jew hatred.

And we must debunk the New Math and the occupier lies and accusations of genocide. How do we do that? Shock! Education. Too many Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have no idea of the history of the Jewish people in her legal historical and biblical land. How can they present a strong front to the millions, if not billions, of Jew haters if they don’t know their own history, including up to the present?
We have failed our Jewish young people.

But there is hope. Now, more organizations are reaching out to our Jewish youth around the world. We must come together and build an extraordinary curriculum that will serve our Young Jewish people. Giving them facts will give them the backbone they need to push back on the Jew hatred, especially on campus since the horrific barbaric massacre of Jews in Israel October 7.

US hypocrisy marks the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder Ruthie Blum

http://US hypocrisy marks the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s murder

In his press briefing on Friday, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller was asked about how the Biden administration is responding to the dire situation for women in the Islamic Republic. The journalist referred to the latest report by a United Nations fact-finding mission on the increase in suppression of women’s and girls’ rights in Iran.

She prefaced her question by mentioning the second anniversary of the Sept. 16, 2022 murder of Mahsa Amini.
Amini was a 22-year-old woman from Saqez in Iran’s Kurdistan Province. While on a trip with her family to Tehran, she was arrested by the regime’s “morality police” for not having her head covered properly. According to eyewitnesses, she was beaten as soon as she entered the van that was transporting her to the station for “education”—mullah-style. Three days later, she was dead.

One can only imagine the kind of torture she endured before she was taken to the Kasra Hospital in northern Tehran. Photos that emerged of her lying in a coma matched the medical center’s statement that when she was admitted on Sept. 13, she showed “no vital signs.”

This notice was removed from the hospital’s social-media pages after hardliners called its staff “anti-regime agents.” In parallel, police denied having beaten Amini to death, insisting that she had passed away from a heart attack. It was a lie, of course, and everybody knew it