We Will Not Let Our Country and Continent Be Destroyed by Geert Wilders


We choose the power of reason.
And we will win.
Here in the Netherlands and in Israel.

Am Israel Chai. [Israel will live.]

The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and parts of the left-liberal elite in politics and the media against our Jewish compatriots and the State of Israel since the barbaric massacre of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, has directly fueled anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews.

It started immediately after October 7 with inflammatory demonstrations of millions of people with false flags and slogans in many European capitals, including many non-Western immigrants, who thereby demonstrated that they do not share any of our values ​​and do not belong here. Then followed the betrayal at universities and in parts of our media and politics. Both nationally and internationally, from the [Netherlands] House of Representatives to the EU and UN, as well as in newspapers and on TV. Every day again. There are now even police officers who refuse to protect Jewish objects and instead of being fired on the spot, their cowardly police chiefs show understanding.

We are as strong as our weakest link. And there are so many weak links. All of whom will be commemorating the massacres of a year ago on Monday with packs of butter on their heads [Dutch expression for hypocrites].

I will always continue to point out their cowardice. And stand up for our values, culture and traditions. That also distinguishes us from the hostile killing machines of Hamas cum suis and the defenders of all their evil. They love death but we love life. And we defend our way of life with everything we have. And so we resist with sincere and unprecedented strength against the unfortunately growing hatred of Jews and Israel.

Against giving away our country and continent to migrants who do not share our values. Against politicians, journalists and education administrators who shamelessly choose the side of evil and whose moral compass now lies in Gaza.

We will never give up.
But always fight evil, whatever the cost.
Because we will not let our country and continent be destroyed.

We choose the power of reason.
And we will win.
Here in the Netherlands and in Israel.

Am Israel Chai. [Israel will live.]

Geert Wilders founded the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands in 2006, and is the party’s leader in the House of Representatives. He has been a monumental member of parliament since 1998.

Gatestone Institute would like to offer special thanks to Geert Wilders MP for his kind permission to publish this piece.

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